Chapter 34

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Only because I didn't want to cause a scene I decided to do the dance against my better judgment. Eric and I didn't really have any personal issues. I just don't like him because he was a horrible boyfriend to Hazel and from what I've heard he's not a great guy.

I look over at Hazel and she has a nervous look on her face. It's not like I'm going to do anything so she shouldn't be worried.

I've had a lot of shit going on this week and the last thing I'm worried about is this stupid dance with Eric.

Earlier today I met my mom for the first time ever. She pretty much told me how she missed me and wanted to talk to me.

I did tell her that we could meet for lunch tomorrow but I didn't promise that I would stay for long. Worst comes to worst I get a free meal out of this conversation.

Not only did that happen this morning but Adam also texted me and said that Rick knows that he got caught and once he found out he beat up a security guard so that probably added a few years to his life sentence.

As soon as Eric and I started dancing I wanted it to be over. I don't think I've ever been this far apart from someone I'm dancing with. I think two other people could fit in the space between us.

It didn't take long for Eric to say some smart ass shit. "How does it feel to be the rebound?" Eric says with a smirk. Good one man, I'm sure a toddler could have come up with that one.

"Please don't make this stupid dance any more miserable than it already is," I say in an annoyed tone.

"I'm just preparing you for what's about to happen. Hazels never been into girls and you all of the sudden think she's into you? She's just going after you because she knows it will piss me off," He responds. God I don't think this guy has two brain cells to rub together.

I choose to just ignore him and look around which seems to piss him off a little bit. "You won't be ignoring me when you catch her fucking me tonight at Justins party," that caught my attention.

Without being too obvious I launched my knee into his dick causing him to let out a groan. Luckily the song ended and everyone started dancing on their own.

"Hazels not an object and if you ever disrespect her again, I can promise you this," I start as I pull him in closer with his tie.

"That tiny dick of yours won't be inside anyone else. Instead it will be shoved so far up your ass that you'll be able to taste it," I responded, causing him to pull away from me.

"Whatever dyke, you guys won't last long once Hazel finds out that you're exactly like your worthless fath-" Before he could finish what he was saying he was cut off by someone's fist.

No, not just someone. I realized it was Hazel as soon as I saw the blue dress. "Don't ever talk to my girlfriend like that again," Hazel fumed as she stared him down. "Whatever you guys belong together," Eric responds as he holds his face.

Hazel just ignores him and turns around towards me. She didn't show it in front of him but once she faces me she shakes her hand as if she's in pain causing me to grab it.

"Very off topic, but that was so hot," I say with a smile before kissing her knuckles. Hazel lets out a cute giggle before bringing me in for a kiss. "Well no one talks to you that way," Hazel says once I pull away.

"Um I'm pretty sure you used to always talk to me that way," I state with a confused look. She hits my shoulder lightly causing me to smile. "That was a very low part of my life and I truly am sorry. Nothing I said about you during that time was ever true," She stated.

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