Chapter 25

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"Oh my god right there," I moaned. I can't believe I got sucked into doing this again. I thought I had more self respect than that but I guess I was wrong.

"Mmm yes Alex," I moaned her name as her tongue explored my core, tasting every last bit.

I grabbed the back of her head and shoved it into me more. That's when I let out a loud moan.

"Damn baby you could have just asked," she stated as she started moving her tongue on my clit.

"Alex," I whispered as she started curling her fingers inside me.

"Oh my god Alex I'm about to-" I let out a loud moan as she pumps her fingers in and out. I grab the back of her head as hard as I can as I feel myself finish right under her.

After we both catch our breath I crawl on top of her and start kissing her neck.

"My turn,"

"Hazel," Alex states with a concerned look. I just ignored her and started kissing down her toned stomach.

"Hazel," this time I feel someone shaking me and my eyes shoot open. I looked over and Alex was smirking at me.

"You were having a wet dream," she states, causing me to push her away.

"No I was not," I replied as I rolled my eyes. I definitely was and I know that she knows it. I just hope I didn't make it obvious that it was about her.

"Those moans say otherwise," she states with a grin. I can feel my cheeks start to heat up.

"Maybe I was just eating something really good," I stated casually.

"I've never heard of any food called 'Alex' but maybe so," she states with an even bigger grin. I can't fucking believe that I had a wet dream about ALEX with ALEX in the fucking room.

I can't lie this definitely hasn't been the first dream I've had about her. There's been multiple. Like every other night. She's like haunting me.

I watch as she gets up and walks towards the bathroom before stopping. I was too embarrassed to even respond to her last comment.

"Oh and Hazel?" She questions. I just let out a soft 'yeah?'.

"It sounds like I was the one eating something really good in your dream," she stated smugly before closing the bathroom door.

Do you ever get butterflies down there?? Because I just got major butterflies. I had to hold myself back from following her into the bathroom.

I grab my pillow and scream into it letting all of my frustration out. Alex is never going to let me live this down, I just know it.

A few minutes pass by and Alex walks out of the bathroom covering her eyes.

"Alex what the fuck are you doing?" I question as I stand up from my bed.

"Oh sorry didn't want to walk in on anything after that amazing dream you just had," she states, still covering her face.

"Actually I'd love to see that," she adds as she removes her hand from her face and grins down at me.

I then grab a pillow from my bed and throw one at her before picking up another one and rushing over to her before hitting her repeatedly.

"Shut the fuck up," I say between hits.

"Woah woah woah, let's take this aggression elsewhere," she states. This time I hit her in the head with the pillow.

"You're so annoying, I already told you I'm not sleeping with you again," I responded.

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