Chapter 33

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"Suit or dress?" I questioned as I threw both the outfits on the bed.

I hear Alex let out a loud groan as she pulls the comforter over her face. I got up at about six so I was being generous by letting her sleep in until eight.

A lot happened yesterday and I'm not going to bring up her dad unless she does so the least I can do is take her mind off of it and force her to help me get ready for the dance.

She doesn't move for a few seconds causing me to hop on top of her. When I didn't feel her move I decided to pull the comforter off of her face and make her look at me.

I didn't want it to be awkward when I told her I loved her, I just wanted her to know because I have been keeping that in for a while. It didn't bother me too much that she didn't say it back because I know she will whenever she is ready.

I don't want her to just say it because I did. I want her to say it if she means it.

"Alex," I state. She doesn't move and her eyes are still closed. "Fine, I'll go find another date to the dance," I lie as I make my way off of her. I didn't get too far before I felt a warm hand wrap around my wrist.

She pulls me back into her causing my face to heat up. "Don't even threaten that, I'm getting up," I bring my lips towards hers. Her lips are so soft and perfect, every time we kiss I want to give in and do so much more but I hold back and so does she.

Hopefully tonight will be the night that changes because I miss her being all over me so much. We've both waited long enough, I'm just waiting for her to initiate it.

"For you or for me?" She questions as soon as I pull away. "What do you mean?"

"You said 'suit or dress', I'm asking if that's for you or me," Once she says that I tilt my head to the side and a soft smile appears on her face.

"When have you ever seen me wear a suit?" I ask. I almost laughed at her question because I thought it was obvious. "Okay well when have you ever seen me wear a dress?" She questions.

Okay that was a very fair point but at the same time she could pull off a dress. I on the other hand could not pull off a suit.

"But you'd look so hot in a dress," I state. I climb off of her and drag her out of bed with me. "Either way you're trying on both so I can see," I add as I pick them both up and hand them to her.

As soon as I hand them to her she throws them back on the bed. "The dance doesn't start until 7 tonight, can we at least go get breakfast or something?" She asked.

She's got a point, that's not for another 11 hours but I like to dedicate my whole day into getting ready that way I wont feel rushed. Alex on the other hand would definitely wait until thirty minutes before we have to leave to start getting ready.

"Fine but before we do anything, you're trying these on," I demanded, causing her to give me a knowing look. "You know I really like when you're demanding," She says seductively as she pulls me closer towards her.

"Why don't we have some fun, then get breakfast," as much as I'd love that, we are in a time crunch. But it is taking everything inside me not to give her what she wants. Not just what she wants but also what I've been craving for so long.

I give her a quick peck on the lips before flashing an innocent smile. "Alexander River Young, did I not mention that I am on a schedule and breakfast is already throwing it off so no,"

"Oh come on we can make it fast," She states. We haven't had sex in what seems like forever, her and I both know it wouldn't be fast.

"Alex, if we start I won't be able to stop," I whispered before kissing her neck and picking up the two outfits off of the bed. "We can skip breakfast then," She states. Not even a second later I hear her stomach growl.

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