Chapter 5

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"You're late." Mrs. Brooks announces as soon as I enter her classroom. Two minutes, big fucking deal. I roll my eyes and head to the back of the room while everyone stares at me.

I'm used to having people stare at me but the past two days have been different. They've all been giving me looks of pity and guys have been texting me and following me around like lost puppies.

I'm not going to lie I've been enjoying the attention from the guys. But the pity looks are what set me off. I don't even know how everyone found out.

Usually, Peyton would be here to distract me from all of this but the last time I saw her was the morning after the party and she just stayed in bed all day. Skylar and I tried to help but she wouldn't let anyone.

Her parents came home Monday night and I don't know if they found out what happened. I've texted Peyton and she hasn't been responding. I don't blame her though.

On top of all that Eric won't stop blowing up my phone. Anytime he sees me at school he tries to talk and honestly, it's getting really annoying.

Eric and Brandon got in a fight on Monday because Brandon heard what happened so they both were serving ISS the past two days. Eric and I have three classes together, thankfully this isn't one of them because he's supposed to be back in classes today.

Brandon did tell me that he's gonna stay close to me in case Eric tries to talk to me and I really appreciated that. Brandon has always been there for me but I honestly didn't know where his loyalty lied when it came to Eric and me but I guess now I know.

"Hazel!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I see Justin standing over me. I look up and he gives me a questioning look.

"Class is over, can I walk you to trig?" He says flashing his perfect smile. Wait why does he know my schedule, last I remember we don't have that class together.

"You take trig?" I say giving him a confused look. Then all of the sudden, he turns a light shade of pink and starts scratching the back of his neck. My new hobby has to be making these 'jocks' nervous. It's so out of character for them which makes it so much more fun.

"We-Well no, but I know you do and I just thought I'd ask" he nervously stated. That's when I stood up and put my bookbag on smirking at him. "Then how do you know what class I have?" I state now smiling. He turns bright red and shuts down right away. Right before he says anything else I just pat his shoulder and walk past him out of the room. See this is the kind of attention I live for.


The next four classes go by pretty quickly and I don't think Eric is at school because I haven't seen him at all. I yelled at three girls today at lunch because I heard them whispering about Eric and I. I don't know how everyone found out but as soon as I find out I'm going to put an end to it.

Now I'm headed to study hall with Brandon. He insisted that he walks me to every class but this time we actually have a class together. We've always sat by each other in here so that's nothing new, I don't like a lot of people in this class and he's really the only one I can tolerate.

I look up and see Alex walk in with her AirPods in, I watch as she sits down with a group of girls and a few guys. How the hell does this girl actually have friends? She's literally impossible to get along with. I mean even when I was wasted I couldn't have a normal conversation with her because she's that unbearable.

That's when it clicked. I can't believe it took me this fucking long.

I stood up from my seat and rushed over to Alex. Everyone is looking at me but my eyes are only on her. As soon as I got to her I slapped her right across the cheek. I had to get her attention somehow and there isn't a teacher in here so why not.

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