Chapter 28

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Alex -

It took us no time to make our way into the back seat. Once I got in she climbed on top of me and closed the door behind her.

She started kissing my neck as my hands rested comfortably on her hips.

"Weren't you the one that said not to leave hickeys?" I questioned as she sucked on my neck. She pulls away with a lustful look on her face.

"I don't give a fuck, now shut up." she responded.
I bring my lips to hers and she grabs the back of my neck and squeezes it harshly. Is this really how it's going to be?

I unzip the jacket that I gave her and help her take it off. Right after she grabs the bottom of her cropped hoodie and pulls it over her head leaving her in just her bra and pants.

I start kissing down her chest making sure to leave hickeys all over the top of her boobs. I can feel her start to grind on me and I almost lose it.

She brings her mouth right up to my ear and I can hear her soft moans vibrating throughout every inch of my body.

I can feel her hands exploring my body as they make their way down to the hem of my hoodie. She doesn't take it off right away, she just places her cold hands right above my waistband.

I inhaled sharply as I studied her face. She finally grabbed the bottom of my hoodie and pulled it over my head.

She leaned back against the seat in front of us and she studied my body. Her cold hands gently moved down my stomach.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to me so I could bring my lips to hers. She tasted so good. I've never felt this way with anyone.

God I missed her so fucking much.

As the kiss started to become more heated I grabbed her and laid her down across the back seat as I placed my hips in between hers, causing her to wrap her legs around me.

I reached around her back causing her to arch her body into mine. I unstrapped her bra and threw it on the ground with the rest of the clothes.

I start kissing down her neck and leaving a trail of hickeys. Once I make my way down to her chest I kiss everywhere except for her nipples and I can tell it's driving her crazy.

I can feel her nails dig into my shoulders causing me to look up at her. She just glares at me.

"I shouldn't even be letting you do this so don't test me Alex." She says in an annoyed tone.

"Well I shouldn't even be doing this either." I say as I pull my body farther away from hers. Once I do that she locks her legs around my waist and pulls me against her more.

"You better finish what you started." As soon as she says that I bring my lips to one of her nipples causing her to let out a loud moan. Must have not been expecting that.

I can feel her move her core into me as she moves her hips back and forth. She grips my hair with her hand and pulls it harshly causing me to suck even harder.

I can't take it anymore, I just need to be inside her and taste her again. It's already been way too long.

I start kissing down her body and once I get to her waistline I unbutton her pants and pull them off. I don't waste anymore time and quickly take off her thong.

I can see how soaked she already is. Her core is practically dripping. I look up at her with a smirk and she just rolls her eyes. I'm about to give her a better reason to roll her eyes.

I bring my head down to her inner thigh and start kissing. I slowly made my way up but Hazel wasn't having it. She kept moving her hips into me but every time I'd move away even more.

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