Chapter 26

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"Well don't sound too excited to see me, little sis," He stated with his charming grin. I know what he's doing right now.

He's trying to act like he's a good brother in front of Hazel but even he should know that's not true.

He walks into the house before closing the door. "What happened to your face?" He questions as he walks closer to me. I guess the makeup wasn't doing as good of a job as I thought.

"Don't act like you don't know," I state before glancing over at Hazel. She is staring straight at Adam.

I walk over and grab two of the trash bags that are filled with my clothes.

"Look as great as it was catching up with you, I have to go," I state as I open the door.

"Wait Alex I wanted to talk to you about dad," he responded as he closed the door in front of me. I drop the bags and shove him back.

"Alex," Hazel gasps.

"You don't get to come back as soon as dad is gone. I didn't need you when he was here and I sure as hell don't need you since he's gone," I stated. Adam just gave me a defeated look.

"Alex I'm sorry,"

"Don't," I demanded before picking up the bags and opening the door. I heard some movement behind me and I looked back and Hazel grabbed the last bag before following behind me.

"Here let me get that," I hear Adam say from behind me. I open the back door to Hazel's car and throw the bags in there.

Hazel opens the trunk and Adam puts the last bag in there.

"Where are you going?" Adam questioned. Why does he think that I would actually tell him that? He had nothing to do with me after Chelsy died and now all of the sudden that changes.

"Wherever I want," I said as I hoped in the car. I was about to close the door but Adam stopped me.

"Well you can at least introduce me to your friend,"

"I'm Hazel Miller, nice to meet you," Hazel said as she held out her hand. Of course Hazel is falling for his bullshit.

Adam takes her hand before shaking it. "Hazel Miller? I feel like I've heard of you before," he pulls his hand out of her and looks her up and down.

"Have you been in any modeling magazines recently?" He says with a smirk. I wish this airbag would go off and knock me the fuck out.

"Keep it in your pants asshole, she's not even 18 yet," I mumbled. I can't help the jealousy that's filling my body right now.

"I turn 18 next month," Hazel says as she glares at me. Is she trying to piss me off? He's fucking twenty three why is he hitting on a 17 year old?

"Perfect," Adam says with a smirk. Hazel gives him a cheeky smile and lightly runs her hand over his arm before walking to the drivers side.

It's taking everything inside me to not hop out of this car. I want to go off on him about everything he's done but most importantly I want to make it perfectly clear that he needs to stay the fuck away from Hazel.

But I know it's not my place. Hazel made it clear.

She backed out of the driveway and I couldn't keep it in longer than five seconds.

"What the fuck was that?" I questioned. She glanced over at me before turning her attention back to the road.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she state's casually, causing me to let out a short breath.

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