Chapter 35

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The past month has gone by pretty quick, graduation came and went pretty fast and now the summer has begun. Unfortunately this summer is shorter because Alex has to move down a month before to start training for basketball and I had decided that I'd move down when she did.

But as of right now we are going to enjoy the little bit of summer we have.

Tonight Alex is finally going to meet my parents. I know technically she already met them but this time she is meeting them as my girlfriend and my mom couldn't be more excited.

She hired a whole ass chef to make dinner tonight because she didn't want to disappoint Alex with her cooking. I'm starting to think my mom likes Alex a little too much for only meeting her a handful of times.

Before heading over to my house Alex and I decided to stop by the Perez's house to say hi to all of them since it has been a while. Alex also insisted on bringing Ashton some ice cream. She's trying to bribe him but deep down I know I'm his favorite.

As soon as Peyton opens the door Alex walks straight in. "Oh my god it's so good to see you too Alex, I've been great thanks for asking. Oh sure, come on in!" Peyton says sarcastically.

As soon as I followed after her I heard little footsteps getting louder and louder. "Alex!" I hear Ashton yell, causing me to roll my eyes. Okay so maybe she is his favorite but she literally never gives me a chance because she always spoils Ash.

I watch as Ashton runs up to Alex causing Alex to bend down and pick him up, giving him a big hug. "How's my little man doing?" She questions as I walk up beside her. Ashton didn't even notice me because his eyes went straight to the ice cream that's in Alex's hand.

"Is that ice cream!?" He yells as he tries to squirm down from her arms. "Jesus you almost made me drop you," Alex says as she hands him his ice cream as soon as his little feet hit the ground.

"Ash, what do you say?" Skylar questions as she enters the room. "Thank you," He mumbles as he stuffs his face with chocolate ice cream.

"Why do you always have to ruin his dinner?" Skylar questions.

"I don't care if I ruin his dinner. I'm allowed to bring him ice cream so that he remembers who his favorite is and who it's always going to be," She says that last part as she stares me down causing me to roll my eyes.

"Anyways! What are you all dressed up for?" Peyton questions. I wouldn't say that we are that dressed up. Alex is wearing some tan pants with a white button up and I'm wearing a white sundress.

My mom said we just had to dress casual but Alex insisted on dressing up.

"Im meeting Hazels parents...again," Alex says with a cheeky smile. "Yeah but this time it's as my girlfriend, so my moms going to be super sweet and ask you a million questions about your life so be ready," I respond.

"Okay and how about your dad?" She questions, she almost sounds nervous. I notice this and wrap my arm around her as I pull her side into mine.

"You're going to be fine, he's just going to act scary at first but you already met them so you don't have anything to worry about," I responded.

The last thing I want is for Alex to be scared of my parents. There is not one thing about her that they wouldn't like.

"Wow look at you guys getting all serious, next you'll be having a baby," Skylar states causing Alex to smirk. "If that was possible Hazel would be pregnant by now," Alex responds, causing me to elbow her side.

It's been about a month since prom and ever since that night, I swear we've had sex almost every night. We have definitely been making up for lost time. Plus the week that I was on my period, she let me top her and man is that growing on me.

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