Chapter 27

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Hazel -

I was shocked to see Alex at my house the night that she brought us dinner, and to make everything worse my family made her stay.

Normally it wouldn't have been too big of a deal, but a few hours before she came over I had a big argument with my parents. They aren't going to be here for my 18th birthday.

They haven't been home for my last two birthdays and they promised this year would be different. I was really looking forward to them being here so I didn't make any plans with my friends.

I just wanted to spend time with my parents and celebrate my birthday as a family but once again that won't be happening.

When I showed them that I was upset about it they made it seem like I was overreacting, but what they don't understand is they are the only family I'm close to and it sucks when they aren't here for big things.

So once I came down stairs after the argument and heard my mom being all sweet and caring towards Alex it really bothered me.

Because would they have been around more if they did adopt someone like Alex? Or maybe if they had another kid in general.

Is it so easy for them to leave just because they are only disappointing one person instead of their coworkers and bosses?

I know I shouldn't have blamed it all on Alex, but I was so pissed about the situation and she was there. The only distraction that I've had from my family and Alex is Adam.

He's sweet and caring and very mature for obvious reasons. But no matter how hard I try to gain feelings for him, I can't.

I see a lot of similar characteristics with him and Alex and at first I just "went" for Adam to piss Alex off but now I'm entertaining it more because a part of him reminds me a lot of Alex.

They both have a lot of charm which makes it hard to resist.

Adam and I have hung out a few times before I turned 18, but it's like ever since my birthday he's been wanting to hangout like everyday.

The only reason I agree to is because he's my main connection to Alex.

I know it's bad to say because I told her to stay away from me, but I miss her like crazy. I wasn't thinking straight that night and I regret everything I said.

I haven't brought myself to text her and apologize because everytime I think about it I just get reminded that she made me this way. I've never been like this towards anyone, but somehow I know that I'll always come crawling back to her.

It's now Saturday and I am getting ready to go see Adam's friends. A part of me is praying that Alex will be there but I'm not sure.

I heard there's a party tonight to celebrate the girls winning substate. Meaning next week is state which is exciting.

The only thing is, Rebecca's team also made it to state so they could end up playing them.

I hear a soft knock on the door as I apply my lipgloss. He said I just needed to dress casual but my casual and his casual are probably two separate things.

I'm wearing ripped jeans with a white cropped hoodie and a tan vest to top it off.

I open the door and am greeted by a smile. Adam has his hand behind his back before showing me the white roses that he bought for me.

I hate roses. They are way too cliche.

I take them with a fake smile and set them down on the kitchen counter.

"I asked Alex what kind of flowers you liked and she said you loved any type of roses, so I thought I'd be a little romantic to ease the nerves," he says with a slight chuckle.

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