Chapter 6

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*Whisle* "Get on the line!" Coach Parks demands. It's the first day of tryouts, and it's going really well. We have gained some talented freshmen, which makes me less worried about the season. Tryouts are my least favorite part of the season, not because I'm worried. It's just the fact that we can't do a lot because there are so many of us.

Practice is almost over and the coach is making us do down and backs for the remainder of the time. For me and most of the seniors, it's a nice little cool down, but for some of the other people it seems to be hell.

As soon as the coach blows the whistle to tell us that practice is over, I see two girls running to the trash cans and throwing up. If they think this is hard then they differently aren't fit for the rest of the season.

"Bring it in" Coach Patterson states in a much more soothing voice than Coach Parks. Coach Patterson is our easy-going coach who everyone loves. Coach Parks is a lot more intimidating but he's the reason our team is so good. He pushes us all and wants to see us all succeed. I personally love Coach Parks. Skylar always says I only love him because I'm his favorite.

I walk over to the team huddle after grabbing a towel and putting it around my neck. "Listen up!" Coach Parks shouted right before continuing. "If today was a struggle for you then you should reconsider joining the team." Coach stated as he motioned over to the two girls that were now walking over from the trashcan.

"Ask our seniors, this is nothing compared to the rest of the season." he motioned toward Skylar and I before continuing again. "As for the rest of you that gave it your all, I hope to see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Young and Perez are going to lead you all in stretches then you will be dismissed."

I smile at him before wiping my sweat with the towel and throwing it off to the side. "Alright let's go, we do this every day after practice so get used to it," I state motioning them all to follow me into the middle of the court. "Circle around me and give each other some space." I continued leading the stretches with Skylar for another 10 minutes before calling them all in.

"Bring it in! Good job today ladies!" I watched as everyone slowly made their way to me. "You all seem ready to go home so let's break it off. Blue Jays on three!" I yelled loudly.


"Want to hit the gym on the way home," I asked Skylar as we are walking out of the school. I look over at her and she has an agonized look on her face. "Alex why can't you ever just go home and relax," she said in a joking way but I knew she was serious. I tensed up as soon as I heard her say that.

I know she doesn't know she said something wrong and she never will that's why she didn't notice my sudden change in behavior. I covered it up as soon as it came. "Oh come on just give me thirty minutes that's all I ask," I beg as I grab her shirt and pull her close to me. "I'll give you a reward if you do," I say in a seductive tone.

Her face immediately turns bright red before I see her looking around and then pushing me back. "In your dreams." She states with a small smile on her face before continuing. "If anything that would be a reason for me not to go"

"Oh yeah because just last week you seemed to enjoy when I-" She cut me off before I could finish. "Okay! I'll go if you shut the fuck up" I give her a smirk and blow her a kiss before hopping on my motorcycle. I see her roll her eyes as she gets in her jeep.

I love our little friendship, Skylar is always there when I need a place to crash, someone to talk to, or someone to sleep with. Some people might find our friendship strange but I don't know what I would do without her. Sure the sex is great but I would much rather have her as a friend and never sleep with her again than just be fuck buddies, so getting two in one is honestly the way to go.

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