Chapter 20

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As soon as I heard the pop earlier I knew it wasn't going to be good. I knew that it could be one of two things, either my meniscus or ACL. I'm really hoping for it to be neither.

Hazel's dad already did some x-rays and her mom has been checking on me frequently. I thought it'd be pretty awkward seeing her mom because of the last time I saw her but it hasn't been too bad because she hasn't brought it up.

Now I'm just in the hospital bed waiting for the results from the x-ray to come back. My heart is racing and I don't even care about the pain that I'm in right now. I just want to know how long I'll be out for basketball.

A few seconds later he and his wife walk in the doors and he has a clipboard in his hands. He has a blank expression. The same one he had when he came to tell me my sister died. I wonder if they aren't allowed to show emotions when they are giving bad news.

"So we ran some x-rays and it's not your ACL," I let out a breath of air feeling somewhat relieved. "But it is your meniscus," Once he says that I fall back into the bed and bring my hands to my face.

"Before you get too upset it wasn't a bad enough tear to need surgery. You'll need to wear this brace, ice frequently, and when you sleep we ask that you keep your knee elevated. We have some crutches you can use so that you keep weight off of it as well." He states calmly.

"So how long will I be out from playing?" I asked, a little more aggressive than I intended.

"That all depends on you, it could be as long as 3 months but if you are doing everything and going to physical therapy it could be only a month," You've got to be fucking kidding me. If it's three months I'll miss state, if we even make it now.

"I can't afford physical therapy! I'm not even sure how the hell I'm going to afford these medical bills," I notice they both look at each other when I say that and Mr. Miller nods at his wife.

"Your medical bills are covered, as for physical therapy I can print out some light workouts and stretches you can do to help with the healing," She responds.

"That's great and everything but what do you mean my medical bills are covered?" My dad doesn't even know I'm in the hospital right now. How the hell would he have already paid for them.

"They requested to keep it anonymous," Who the hell would do that for me? I appreciate it but I want to know who it was so eventually I can reimburse them. I really don't like free handouts.

"I'm going to print off those papers for you, and I'm going to grab my daughter to help you get changed since she came with you. I tried contacting your dad but he didn't answer," Mrs. Miller says that last part with a sad tone before walking out of the room.

"Here's the brace, it's pretty easy you just slide it on. It's going to hurt but we also have some pain killers to help with the pain," I look down at his name tag and it says 'Doctor Aaron Miller'.

"Thank you," I say as I take the brace and sit up a little bit. Every time I move it feels like a thousand needles are being shot into my knee.

"I'm going to grab your crutches and the pills and I'll be back after you're done changing," He states as he pats my shoulder and walks out of the room.

I slowly swing my legs off of the side of the bed. I take a few deep breaths trying not to think about the pain. I reach down to put it on but I stop myself when I feel my knee lock up. "Fuck!" I yelped in pain.

"Let me help," Hazel states as she enters the room and takes the brace out of my hand. I don't say anything, I just let her do her thing.

She grabs my foot which is covered by the ugly hospital socks they gave me, and gently picks it up. That hurt like a bitch but I try my best not to show. She slowly starts to slide the brace on and when she gets to the bottom of my knee it starts to hurt more.

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