Chapter 31

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After the game the cheer coaches said they would take us out to a nice dinner and the basketball coaches decided that they would do the same.

I was saving a seat for Alex on the bus when Lexi comes over and takes it. Who does she think she is?

I wanted nothing more than to be able to sit with my girlfriend of about thirty minutes but no. Someone has to ruin that. I don't have a big problem with Lexi except for the fact that I walked in on her and Alex.

She gives me a weird look and I'm not great at reading expressions but she doesn't seem too happy.

"May I help you?" I say in a bitchy tone. It came out a little ruder than I intended but I don't care. don't be a bitch to me and I won't be one to you. It's as simple as that.

"No but you can explain something to me," She says. I look her up and down and that's when I notice the cast on her arm. I guess that explains why she hasn't been playing the last few games.

"What?" I say in an annoyed tone. I usually wouldn't be this rude but she took Alex's spot and is being all hostile so I'm not really having it.

Alex catches my eye as she makes the way on the bus. She gives me a confused look and I just shrug and turn my attention back to Lexi.

"Don't act stupid Hazel," she states as she glares at me.

"Lexi I don't know what the fuck you're talking about," I state as the bus starts to move. Alex probably decided to just sit with Skylar.

"Maybe the fact that you were trying to scare me off so you could have Alex all to yourself," She responds. You got to be fucking kidding me.

"You don't seriously think that's what I did. I'm not that shitty of a person believe it or not," I comment.

I might be selfish but during that time, I did not like Alex at all and I was just looking out for Lexi. I would have done the same if it was any other girl in that room with Alex.

At that time I didn't think Alex was a good person so I was just trying to do the right thing.

"Well look at you guys now, that doesn't really look good on you at all,"

"Aren't you with Brandon now? I thought I saw you guys holding hands the other day?" I questioned. I wasn't trying to change the subject I was just curious as to why she would care if she's with someone new.

"So?" She questions.

"So... why should it even matter if you've moved on," I really don't feel like having this conversation with her...well more like any conversation so I wish she would just shut up and leave me alone.

"Because I just want you to see yourself the same way everyone else at this school sees you,"

"Yeah and how's that?"

"As a spoiled bitch that gets everything she wants, everyone sees it, even your girlfriend. Everyone just too scared to admit it,"

I don't know why her saying that hurt so much. I shouldn't let her get to me. I know she's just saying that to piss me off and it makes me more pissed that it's working.

She lets out a fake laugh before continuing. "I mean you don't actually think Alex likes you ,do you? If you haven't noticed Alex isn't the richest person and after everything with her dad she's stuck with nothing. She's just getting with you because of your daddy's money. Literally everyone can see it,"

Now that pissed me off. Who does she think she is saying that shit to me.

"Get out of my fucking seat," I fumed. I've never really wanted to physically hurt anyone before but right now it is taking everything in me not to beat the living shit out of her.

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