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"Jungwon, Aeri! Come sit with us!" Kirishima called from their table in the bustling cafeteria as the twins entered. They were grateful for the invitation, not wanting to have to sit alone. Mina, Sero, Kaminari and Bakugou were with him. The twins skipped over and squeezed in on opposite sides of the bench; Aeri sat next to Bakugou and Jungwon next to Sero.

"Why do you have an entire selection of nuts in your bento?" Mina asked from across the table, she was snacking on sweet pastries.

"Iron boost so we can make these," Aeri replied. She held up her palm in demonstration and the table watched as the shuriken formed in her palm, falling to the table with a clatter. "We get anaemic real fast if we don't eat a lot of iron throughout the day."

"You make those? I thought you just like whipped them out of your sleeves or something." Kaminari snatched the weapon from the table, holding it up so he could inspect it.

"Stop fucking talking," Bakugou grumbled as he shovelled his food into his mouth. Kaminari held up his hands in surrender and the curved point of the shuriken sliced into his finger.

"Ouch," He dropped the metal star onto the table and put his finger in his mouth.

"Be careful," Mina scolded him. She opened her mouth to speak again when an ear-piercing alarm went off, an announcement following shortly after. The table looked around in panicked confusion.

"Attention students! There has been an infiltration on the school grounds. Please stay put and don't panic! It is most likely a press reporter who has snuck through the gate!"

Of course, the students didn't listen to a word the teacher said and began to panic, pushing and shoving each other to get out of the room. Bakugou growled as someone knocked into his back and stood up with palms crackling.

"Why do people never listen?" Aeri sighed. She packed her lunch back into her bag and pulled Bakugou back into his seat by his arm. He glared but didn't move to get back up. Aeri pointed to the traffic jam of students trying to push out the door. "We might as well stay seated."

"It's so loud, I'm starting to get claustrophobic..." Sero complained as a few students shoved against his back to get past their table. "Can you two teleport other people with you?" He asked, wanting to get the hell out of the cafeteria.

"Yeah, but you'll be incredibly dizzy afterwards... You've never travelled that way before so you'll be nauseous." Jungwon shouted over the noise.

"I don't care, I just want to get out!" Sero shouted back.

"Okay then. Are you guys coming?" Jungwon asked the rest of them. They all nodded, even Bakugou, and began to gather their things.

Aeri held her hands out to Bakugou, Kaminari and Mina, Jungwon took Sero and Kirishima. Mina clung to her arm and Kaminari excitedly took her hand. Bakugou took it reluctantly. His hand was warm and soft, Aeri noted as she pulled all three of them closer to her and teleported to the 1A classroom. Jungwon arrived seconds later.

"Oh my god, I might throw up," Kaminari whined, he leaned forward and put his hands on his knees.

"Please don't." Aeri grimaced, her hand still linked with Bakugou's. He looked pale as he steadied himself on a desk, blinking slowly to stop his head spinning.

"I did warn you..." Jungwon frowned as he watched his friends get their bearings.

"Please don't throw up you guys, you'll set me off," Kirishima said quietly as he opened a window for some fresh air to soothe the nausea creeping up on him.

"I make no promises." Sero gagged. Aeri blanched and stepped towards the door so she could make a quick escape if needed.


"After a lot of thinking and after watching Iida during the situation earlier..." Midoriya began, he stood at the front of the classroom with his green eyes darting around nervously. "I've decided to forfeit my position as class representative in favour of Iida. He is the perfect fit for a position like this."

"Are you sure, Midoriya?" Iida asked, his eyes wide. Aeri could see that he was touched. Midoriya nodded and returned to his seat. Iida took his place at the front of the classroom, next to Momo.

"I'll do my best!" He bowed.


Aeri sat squished between Bakugou and Kirishima on the bus to the USJ centre, trying to make herself as small as possible. Between Kirishima's manspreading and Bakugou's gauntlets, there really wasn't any room, but the bus was only made to fit 22 people including the driver and there were 22 students in total so they had to squeeze onto the bench. Jungwon stuck his tongue out at her from the other side of the bus, he sat next to Mina who was chatting aimlessly with him.

Iida had originally opposed the idea of all of them squishing in together, complaining that it was dangerous but Mr Aizawa said this was the only bus and then brought up the fact that there were no seatbelts anyway.

"Midoriya, your quirk is quite similar to All Might's," Tsuyu chirped from the other side of the bus. Midoriya snapped his head up, eyes wide.

"I don't think it is," Kirishima began. "All Might doesn't break a bone every time he throws a punch." Midoriya calmed down a bit as Tsuyu considered his words. "I wish I had a flashier quirk like Bakugou or Todoroki. Their quirks are perfect for being professionals."

"Bakugou is too angry to become a popular Pro Hero," Tsuyu interjects. Bakugou scowled, his palms crackling. Aeri nudged his leg with hers.

"I think your quirk is cool, Kirishima." Aeri voiced, turning her head to her left so she could see his face.

"You do?" His eyes widened and his cheeks flushed pink.

"You can't be stabbed." She said matter-of-factly. "I'd probably lose a fight to you because of that."

"I guess I can't." Kirishima perked up. "But I doubt you'd lose to anyone, not with how fast you managed to take down Jungwon and Uraraka the other day."

"They don't have a hardening quirk though do they," Aeri flashed him a lopsided smile and he cheered up, suddenly feeling better about his quirk.

"That being said, Kacchan's personality does need some work," Kaminari called from across the bus.

Bakugou frowned but said nothing. Aeri gauged his reaction out of the corner of her eye. "I think Bakugou is funny." She said. Her classmates turned to her as if she was crazy, even Bakugou. "And his personality matches his quirk." She added. "If anyone's personality needs work, it's Mineta's" The class nodded at that and dropped the subject. Bakugou stole a sly glance at the girl next to him who was polishing a dagger with a handkerchief.

The students of 1A filed out of the bus a few minutes later, taking in the towering USJ building. Midoriya started his usual fanboying when the Pro Hero Thirteen greeted them at the door, leading them inside. Aeri tuned out Thirteen's 'inspiring' speech and peered over Midoriya's shoulder, watching as he scribbled notes on the pro hero in his notebook.

She was unwillingly snapped out of her daze when a weird purple mist appeared behind the hero, her eyes widened when a bunch of unfamiliar figures emerged from it.

"Kids, run!" Her father shouted. A few of them took a few steps back towards the door but Aeri remained rooted to the floor. No way was she about to leave her dad alone with only one other hero when there was a bunch of villains plus a weird mutated creature there, not after what happened with her mother.


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