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Aeri, along with the other 1A students who were involved in the Shie Hissaikai investigation, were pulled out of class a few days later, having been granted a couple of days off to focus on the mission since it was so serious. Bakugou was not happy at all to have to go to school alone but he didn't complain, instead keeping his brooding to himself since he knew how important the case was.

They had to attend a meeting hosted by Sir Nighteye today so they, and all the other pros involved, could discuss how they'd get in and out safely whilst rescuing Eri and arresting the Yakuza members, all with minimal injuries and death.

Aeri didn't even know her dad was involved until the morning of the meeting when he knocked on her door to see if she was ready, and then got unbearably angry when he saw Bakugou snoozing in her bed, even more so when his daughter shushed him and said there were 'more important things to worry about'.

She wore one of her favourite Prada suits, a matching dark grey pinstripe cropped blazer and a matching miniskirt with a white blouse. Her hair was perfectly waved, her makeup flawless and she finished off the look with her Louboutins, pearl drop earrings, and a Prada handbag.

She left her dorm and closed the door behind her, her father still glaring at her with his arms crossed over his chest. Aeri gave him an innocent smile and began walking towards the elevator, the clicking of her heels echoing in the silent hallway.

"Are you gonna tell me why exactly Bakugou was in your bed?" Aizawa raised an eyebrow as he fell into step with her. Aeri could hear the silent rage in his voice that signalled he was trying not to lose his shit until he knew the full story.

"He has nightmares and comes to my room in the middle of the night because he can't sleep properly," Aeri explained. It wasn't a lie, so to say, Bakugou really did have recurring nightmares about the Kamino Ward incident and from the villain attack when he was in middle school, but he was normally already in Aeri's bed when he had them.

Aizawa sighed. "How long has he been sneaking over?"

"Since after Korea. He had a few nightmares whilst we were there and said it was comforting to see me in the bed next to him when he woke up since he wasn't alone, he's been coming pretty much every night since then...are you mad?"

"I'm sure any father would be mad after finding out their daughter had been sneaking around in the dead of night to share a bed with a boy, but as long as there's no funny business, I guess I don't mind." Aizawa gave in. He trusted Aeri, even if it did boil his blood to see a boy in her bed.

At least in Korea, they were sleeping in a king-sized bed. There was a lot less room in the single beds each dorm room had, so they had no choice but to sleep pressed up against each other. (They slept pressed up against each other in the king too, but he doesn't have to know that.)

"Why aren't you in uniform? Your other classmates are going to the meeting in UA uniform."

"Why would I wear that thing when I'm not going to school? Jinyoung would have my head." Aeri replied dramatically.

"I don't know why you hate it so much, it's your favourite colour." Aizawa sighed.

"It would be fine if it was just green, but why add red and grey? The combination makes me physically ill."


Aeri and Jinyoung grimaced in unison at the sight of the conference room, not because of the people in it, but because of how poorly decorated the large space was. The walls were a plain grey with nothing hanging up, and the tiled floor was a greyish-brown. Instead of the usual long conference table, Sir Nighteye had ordered his underlings to push together six long desks to form a rectangle and the heroes and apprentices in on the investigation sat around it.

Unlike the other heroes, Jinyoung didn't wear his hero costume. He wore a 3-piece Prada suit—grey pinstripe just like Aeri's—with a plain dark grey tie and black dress shoes. His white hair was neatly styled back and his arm was linked with Aeri's.

"What is this, a goddamn fashion show?" Rock Lock commented snidely as the siblings walked to their chairs.

"We don't take criticism from people who dress like they're on a weekend bender in the 90s." Aeri bit back, giving him a once over before walking to her chair, Jinyoung pulled it out for her and she thanked him, sitting with one leg crossed over the other.

"Excuse me?" Rock Lock scoffed.

"You're excused." Aeri rolled her eyes.

"You heard her. Don't make comments about other people's clothing if you can't take it yourself." Jinyoung chastised, taking a seat.

Aeri took a look around the table as the heroes filed in. She knew most of them, like Fatgum and his apprentices, Nighteye with his, and Ryukyu with hers but the rest of them, aside from her dad, she had never seen before.

Aeri stayed silent for the most part, letting Jinyoung do most of the talking when they were asked about the building they found, only chiming in to show Sir Nighteye the pictures of the house and Overhaul and Eri she took on her phone.

Nighteye went through the plan after that, telling them where they'd meet, who would be doing what in the investigation and which groups they'd be in. Luckily, the students were to stay with the heroes they were employed by, so Aeri was with Jinyoung, and since their quirks were deemed useful, they'd be at the heart of the raid, along with Mirio, Midoriya and Nighteye, rescuing Eri.

The meeting was adjourned after 3 painfully boring hours. Usually, Aeri could sit for that long and listen, especially when it was a case this interesting and important, but with the lower levelled heroes constantly chiming in to give their opinions on how dangerous they thought this investigation was, Aeri found it hard to pay attention. She had to stop herself from getting up and yelling at them at one point.

She ran straight over to Amajiki, falling into step with him whilst he tried to escape before the other heroes tried to talk to him.

"Was Hyunjin mad at you, Tamaki?" She asked quietly. Amajiki nodded, his eyes falling to the ground shamefully.

"I upset him...I didn't want to tell him because I didn't think my quirk would come back and I was embarrassed."

Aeri clicked her tongue. "You've been dating for two damn years and you think he'd think any different of you if you didn't have a quirk? Hyunjin loves you more than he loves himself, and that says a lot!"

Amajiki blushed, raising his head to look her in the eye.

"I think he was more worried that you got shot. Hyunjin wouldn't care if you permanently lost your quirk," Aeri reached out and placed an encouraging hand on his shoulder. "Just talk to him, you know how petty he is, he won't talk to anyone first after something like this."

"Thank you Aeri," Amajiki said quietly.

"Anything for my future brother-in-law," Aeri gave him a cheeky smile and skipped over to where Jinyoung was waiting for her.


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