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MAJOR TIME SKIPS (slight manga spoilers too)

"Babe! Are you ready to go?" Bakugou called from the foyer of their shared home, sliding his Prada boots onto his feet. He'd grown significantly since their high school days, both in height and muscle mass, and now towered over his wife who hadn't even grown an inch in the 6 years they'd known each other. 

After the war and high school, Aeri and Bakugou got married as soon as they could, much to Jinyoung's chagrin. Bakugou almost died and it was a wake-up call to both of them. In their line of work, either of them could die at any moment—the giant scar on Bakugou's chest was proof of that—and they wanted to spend as much time together as they could, so they decided to get married at 19. Neither of them really saw any harm in it, they loved each other and knew they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, but their families thought it was absurd and tried to convince them to wait.

It clearly didn't work, seeing as they were now 22 and still married.

"I'm coming!" Aeri shouted back. Bakugou heard clattering and then the telltale sound of heels clacking against the hardwood floor and could tell she hadn't realised the time and was now rushing to finish. She ran out a moment later, straightening her dress. "Ready, let's go."

Bakugou huffed and lowered his head to press a kiss to her forehead, unlocking the door and leading her out by the hand, locking it behind them and then beginning the walk to the car.

"Y'know, you're the one who wanted to do this damn interview and you almost made us late," he scoffed, leading her around to the passenger's side before walking back around the car and climbing into the driver's seat.

"Do you know how rare it is for heroes to be invited to do a WIRED Most Searched Questions interview? I couldn't turn that down." Aeri replied, flashing an excited smile in her husband's direction.

"Yeah you said that when I tried to turn down the offer, I fuckin' hate interviews," Bakugou said, his voice gruff as he pulled out of the driveway.

"You're number 1 in Japan right now, If you do more things like this then maybe you'll stay there instead of this constant battle you have going on with Deku for the top spot," Aeri said teasingly, plugging the aux cable into her phone.

"I don't need to do shit like this to be popular, I'm a great hero and I'm hot. Deku does interviews and he's still fighting me for number 1, that says enough doesn't it?" Bakugou replied smugly.

After growing up, Bakugou only got 10x more good-looking and finally accepted that he was hot, despite Aeri having tried to convince him of his good looks since they were 16. Aeri had grown into her features too. She was pretty before, anyone could've told her that at first glance, but as she got older, the lines of her face became sharper and more elegant. The both of them became the hottest couple in Japan as the tabloids liked to put it.

"Exactly, you're hot and a great hero so people want to see more of you. This is your chance to stay at the top." Aeri explained and Bakugou could see the logic behind it, but he really hated interviews and just preferred to stick to hero missions and running his company.

"All you have to do is exist to stay at the top. You haven't been back to Korea in two damn months and you're still number 1." Bakugou snickered at the absurdity of her power and position in Korea. She was the best so it was hard for other heroes to overtake her, and the top ten in Korea was heavily dominated by the Moon family as it was.

"There's rarely any missions going on in Korea these days, they only call the best in for the hardest missions, there's no need for me to do the grunt work...plus I'd rather be here with you." She shot him a sly wink and he rolled his eyes.

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