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"Did you find anything?" Aeri asked quietly, standing at Jinyoung's kitchen island. Her eyes flicked over the various documents spread across it and then up to Jinyoung's tired face.

It was the middle of the night. She was half asleep when she felt her phone vibrate on the nightstand. A text from Jinyoung telling her to sneak out and come over to his. It was a battle slipping out of Bakugou's tight grip without him waking up but she managed it eventually, taking her phone and Bakugou's hoodie as she teleported out of her house, beginning the short walk to her brothers' house at the end of the street.

She'd hoped he found something on the traitor in her class since she'd entrusted the job to him after the kidnapping incident, but by the look on his face, he hadn't been successful thus far.

"Nothing. That bastard Dohwan is refusing to talk," Jinyoung ran a hand down his face, clearly stressed and overworked. "What about you... have you noticed anything suspicious?"

"I've narrowed it down to a few students, but there's still some I'm not sure about. Do you think I should get my dad involved?"

"No. You've told Nezu and that's enough. He's the principal so he'll conduct an investigation." Jinyoung replied.

"But my dad is the homeroom teacher. He's with the students a lot and he even lives with them 5 days a week... isn't he one of the best people to tell?" Aeri chewed on her bottom lip, arms crossed over her chest.

"We'll tell him if we can't find anything. I'll try alone for one more week but Nezu is investigating the teachers first, which means he's also investigating your dad. Nezu has instructed that none of the teachers can know about the investigation until they're in the clear."

"Okay, that shouldn't take too long, we know he's not the traitor." Aeri nodded.

"He's not. But since he's the one who knows your class' schedule the best, he's the one they're looking out for." Jinyoung told her. "Now go home. I'm going to bed and you should too, it's nearly 1 AM."

Aeri agreed and bid him goodnight before she teleported out once more, breathing in the cold summer air. Trying to find the traitor was not an easy task, even when living with them. She wasn't allowed to make it obvious that she knew something but she suspected that after talking to the villains in the kidnapping, whilst confirming that there was, in fact, a traitor in her class, they'd probably told whoever it was to lay low and not do anything to raise her suspicions.

She sighed before teleporting back into her room, almost yelling out in fear when she saw Bakugou standing in the middle of the room in the dark.

"Where'd you go at this fuckin' time of night? I woke up and you were gone." Bakugou frowned, keeping his voice low.

"Got called to Jinyoung's house for a few minutes," She reached forward and grasped his forearms, leading him back over to the bed. "C'mon let's go back to sleep."

He nodded and slipped back under the covers, pulling Aeri with him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her flush to his chest, even tighter than before so she couldn't slip away again. Aeri snuggled down into his bare chest, slinging a leg over his hip and reaching a hand up to play with his hair until he fell asleep—it helped him sleep faster.

"Goodnight," she pressed a light kiss to his collarbone and he hummed in response, already half asleep and too tired to reply properly.


"Aeri, wake up," A husky voice said in her ear. Aeri groaned and snuggled further into the warmth of her bed. "We've slept in, wake up." The voice repeated, pushing her hair back from her face. Aeri cracked her eyes open, her vision bleary as she tried to focus on her boyfriend's face above her.

"What time is it?" She croaked, reaching out for him. She wrapped an arm around his shoulder and tried to pull him back down but he held firm, not letting her tempt him with the idea of cuddling.

"10 AM. We have to start fuckin' packing." He grumbled. He hated waking up late.

"The flight isn't until 4 PM. Just lay with me for 5 minutes," She stared into his crimson eyes, still half-lidded from just waking up. "...Please." She added.

Bakugou sighed but gave in, lowering himself back down into his girlfriend's embrace. Aeri wrapped her arms and legs around him tightly, burying her face into his shoulder as Bakugou continued his grumbling.

"You should wear my clothes more often," he mumbled into her hair. He ran a hand down her hoodie-clad torso before he slipped it underneath, rubbing circles into the skin of her waist. "You look good in them."

"Was in a rush last night then forgot to take it off," She explained, not bothering to open her eyes as she held him to her, not willing to let him go. "I got used to sharing a bed with you, now we have to go back to our dorms." She whined.

"Just teleport over after Aizawa checks everyone is in their beds," Bakugou suggested, not wanting to sleep without her either. Aeri hummed, and the vibrations of it rumbled deliciously through him thanks to their joined bodies.

"I could do that," she said, and Bakugou could hear the smirk in her voice without having to look up. "It would be fun to sneak around like that, no?"

"Would be more fun if people left us the fuck alone so we could do all this without having to deal with the goddamn conversations that would happen if they found out." Bakugou snarled, lifting his head to try to place a kiss on her lips. Aeri turned her head away, her eyes fluttering open, and Bakugou looked offended as if she insulted him by refusing his kiss after so greedily dragging him back to bed.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet," She mumbled shyly. Bakugou scoffed.

"You think I fucking care?"

He tried to kiss her again but she dodged once more. Bakugou growled this time, getting more and more frustrated. He lifted himself off the bed bringing Aeri, who was clinging to him like a koala, with him. He secured his hands under her ass to support her and kicked open the door to the en suite bathroom. Bakugou handed her the toothbrush and toothpaste in silent command, and Aeri wasted no time in getting to work, clicking her tongue when Bakugou refused to put her down.


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