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"Good morning babe," Aeri smiled sleepily, rolling off her husband's chest to switch off the alarm she'd set the previous night. Seeing their owners were awake, both cats jumped up on the bed snuggling into the couple's warmth.

"Mornin'," Bakugou replied, stretching his arms above his head and pushing himself up so he was leaned up against the headboard of their king-sized bed.

Aeri leaned down and pressed a kiss to his shoulder before getting out of bed, shivering at the cool air hitting her bare skin and hurrying to the bathroom to brush her teeth and have a quick shower.

"Why're you in such a damn rush? We have five hours until we have to be at your dad's house." Bakugou grunted, scratching under Zoro's chin before climbing out of bed, following Aeri and leaning against the doorframe of their en suite.

"I need to pick up the cake in an hour! The bakery called me last night to say it was ready for pick up." Aeri told him, combing her fingers through her messy hair with one hand whilst wetting her toothbrush with the other.

"Why are they having a gender reveal party anyway, that's so fucking cringy." Aeri could practically hear Bakugou rolling his eyes. She finished brushing her teeth and then walked over to him, pressing kisses to his cheeks and lips.

"Hyunjin wanted one and the surrogate agreed. It's only a small one so I don't see the harm." Aeri said, pressing her bare chest to his. "They're excited and it's my dad's first grandchild, let them have their day even if it's a bit cringy and outdated."

"We're never having one."

"Agreed," Aeri nodded. "Now come join me for a quick shower. We can get breakfast after we pick up the cake."

"Do we have time for...other activities?" Bakugou smirked, eyes running down her naked body.

"No. The bakery is a 20-minute drive so we only have 40 minutes to get ready."

Bakugou groaned but nodded anyway, shutting the bathroom door so the cats wouldn't run in. They have a habit of following them into the shower and then freaking out when they got wet.


"Aeri!" Hyunjin waved as she and Bakugou walked into her childhood home hand in hand with Bakugou carrying the cake box in one arm whilst Aeri carried a gift bag.

"Hey, how are you feeling? Excited?" Aeri handed over the gift bag before hugging her brother tightly.

"So excited, I can't believe we're having a baby it's so unreal," Hyunjin said, brushing his hair from his face and leading the couple to the living room where the rest of their family was waiting.

Aeri immediately ran over to hug her dad and brothers. Aside from Hyunjin, she didn't get to see them as often anymore since they were all busy with their own lives and jobs. Jungwon had moved to Korea straight after high school, taking over what was previously Dohwan's agency. Hyoseop had been the co-owner, but with him wanting to focus more on his modelling and acting, he needed help, so Jungwon moved to take over the company in his stead.

They'd all make time to meet up when she was in Korea, but when Aeri was in Korea it usually meant something serious was going down with villains so it would only be for a couple of hours before they'd all be busy again.

Bakugou placed the cake on the table and trudged over to Tamaki, having gotten surprisingly close to him over the years.

"The cake definitely has the coloured frosting on the inside right?" Jungwon asked, seemingly more nervous than the couple who were actually expecting a baby.

"Yes, I double-checked with the bakery this morning," Aeri reassured him, patting his scarred cheek.

"Is everyone ready?" Hyunjin called as Jinyoung carried the unboxed cake in from the kitchen, knife in hand. Tamaki walked over gingerly, a huge smile on his face as he took the knife and much to his earlier resentment for dislike for gender reveals, Bakugou took Hyunjin's phone to record the event.

Tamaki and Hyunjin lowered the knife together and Eri ran over to clutch Aeri's hand out of sheer excitement.

They lifted the slice and gasped so hard that they dropped it on the floor, her dad's elderly cats padding over to lick at the frosting. "Pink!" Hyunjin yelled, tackling his long-term boyfriend to the floor.

"We're having a daughter!"

"Yes!" Aeri and Eri cheered, turning to high-five each other. They'd both expressed how much they wanted another girl in the family since the family tree was predominantly boys. They watched as Jinyoung awkwardly helped Hyunjin and Amajiki off the floor, saying a small 'congratulations' before he retreated back to his corner of the room.


"We're gonna have a little niece and I'm gonna spoil her rotten," Aeri said excitedly as she stumbled through the front door, slightly tipsy after drinking one too many glasses of wine with her family. She slouched over the couch and closed her eyes.

Bakugou locked the door behind them and hung up the car keys before striding over to the couch and bending down sliding Aeri's heels off her feet for her. "Newborn babies don't notice gifts, wait until she's old enough for fucks sake."

"I love you." Aeri sighed, opening her arms for a hug.

"You're a clingy drunk," Bakugou said as he sat next to her on the couch, pulling her into his lap and resting his chin atop her head.

"I'm not drunk, just a bit tipsy and you said that last time. I jus' want you to know how much I love you." Aeri replied, pulling back from the hug to look him in the eyes.

"Yeah?" Bakugou smiled.

"Yeah. We say it all the time but I love you so much and I'm so happy we get to live together and be married and have pets together, even if we have time-consuming jobs."

"I love you too." Bakugou leant down and pressed a short, loving kiss to Aeri's lips, her lipstick almost completely rubbed off over the day.




This is my longest book ever which is strange considering I wrote it over the span of three months. Thank you guys so much for reading and keep an eye out for new BNHA books because they will most likely feature Aeri and Jungwon as side characters!!


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