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"Do you have any idea how fuckin' good you look when you're playing that damn guitar?" Bakugou grumbled when they finally got back to Aeri's room three hours later. Aeri gave him a funny look, setting her guitar case and amp in the corner of the room.

'Do I?' She wrote before kicking her heels off, setting them with the rest of her shoes.

"yeah, wouldn't have fuckin' said it if you didn't," he grabbed her by the arm and led her over to the bed. "You didn't tell me you could play."

'You didn't tell me you could play the drums either,' she wrote, waiting until he'd finished reading before she erased the sentence and started writing again. 'And since we're dishing out compliments right now, you look hot when you're drumming. I almost died watching you.'

Bakugou laughed but Aeri's face was completely serious. She began writing again. 'Drummers are hot.'

"So are guitarists."

'Does that mean that anyone who plays an instrument is automatically hot?' She asked with a smile.

"I'm not fuckin' attracted to Kaminari or Momo if that's what you're askin'..." Bakugou joked.

Aeri huffed in amusement and shook her head. 'I mean in general, I know Mina has a huge crush on Alex Turner and he isn't attractive so it must be the guitar.'

"I don't know who the fuck that is."

Aeri rolled her eyes. 'Lead singer and rhythmic guitarist in Arctic Monkeys.'

Bakugou just shrugged. "It's not the guitar, you just look hot no matter what you do." He flirted shamelessly and Aeri cracked a smile, abandoning the iPad and leaning in to kiss him.


"When you said costume design, I thought you meant a goddamn t-shirt...not completely different outfits for each person," Bakugou said, his jaw dropped. He was helping Aeri carry the boxes to the common room and took a peek, noticing that each bag was labelled differently.

Aeri gave him a dirty, offended look, setting the last box down and taking her iPad from where she left it on the couch. 'T-shirts? Who do you think I am?'

"I've seen you wear a t-shirt before, don't give me that shit," he glared at her playfully.

'You've seen me wear cropped baby tees, not a goddamn t-shirt. Making you all wear matching t-shirts for a concert would just be tacky.'

"Whatever you say, babe." He rolled his eyes, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek before he started unboxing all the outfits. Jungwon ran down moments later, his hair wet.

"Sorry, I was in the shower so I didn't see your text," he jogged over to the couple and began to gather a few of the bags in his arms. "I start taking these to people's doors." Aeri nodded and gave him a grateful smile.

"How come ours are different?" Bakugou asked, taking out his and Kaminari's.

'Jirou requested that the band wear grungier outfits since we'll be covering an indie rock group. Don't worry, I know what you like so you'll like yours.' She explained, beginning to separate the outfits into boys and girls so they wouldn't have to keep switching floors when making deliveries.

Bakugou looked between Aeri and his clothes bag curiously, undoing the zip to the clear bag and taking out the contents. Not only was there a complete outfit, but a pair of Prada Monolith combat boots and gold jewellery to complete the look.

"Aeri," He growled. Aeri froze at the tone and looked up from the boxes with wide eyes. "What did I tell you?"

'I wonder how those got in there...' she wrote, smiling nervously.

"Don't play dumb, these are expensive as shit!"

'I'm sorry...I saw you eyeing Jungwon's the other day and I couldn't help myself,' Aeri grimaced. She knew he'd be angry but genuinely couldn't help it. Aeri loved buying gifts for people, she was a lot like Jinyoung in that aspect. 'If it's any consolation, I bought Jirou a new amp and Jungwon a new pair of Prada sunglasses...'

"Stop spending so much fucking money on people!" He scolded her, running a hand through his hair.

'Y'know Jungwon and I paid for all of these outfits too, it's not like I'm just singling you out...I just wanted to get you a little something extra.' She was probably digging herself a deeper hole at this point but she was panicking. Bakugou hadn't gotten this angry at her since the sports festival and that was almost six months ago.

Bakugou sighed and took a seat on the couch. "Thank you for the damn shoes," He managed to get out and Aeri loosened a breath. He'd accepted the gift, that was a good sign. "I'm considering these a very early Christmas gift, so if you get me anything then, I will force you to return it."

Aeri looked at him as if he'd just shot her puppy. 'But Christmas is the perfect time to spoil you!'

"I don't want you to fucking spoil me, I want to spoil you but you keep beating me to it!" He clapped back. "Spoil your damn brothers or Eri, but don't you dare get me anything."

Aeri pouted but agreed, getting back to work and teleporting to the girl's hallway and leaving Bakugou to deal with the boys.


"No way...you bought him Prada and he's angry about it?" Mina scoffed, rolling over to lay on her stomach. Aeri, who was perched on the end of Mina's bed, nodded.

'He said that he doesn't like it when I buy him expensive gifts and then forbade me from buying him any Christmas gifts,' Aeri wrote with a sigh. 'I understand why he got mad because I did something he told me not to do, but I like buying people gifts so I don't understand why he always feels guilty when I buy him things.'

"Maybe it's like a traditional man thing...normally the boys in the relationship pay for things but you grew up in a family where the women were always more powerful so you're not used to that traditional dynamic." Mina theorised, kicking her legs in the air as her brain worked.

'Katsuki's never been the type to care about gender norms...maybe he just doesn't know how to accept gifts?'

"Well, he did say he wants to spoil you but you keep beating him to it, that sounds very traditional to me." Mina pointed out. Aeri huffed and flopped back onto the bed.

'This would be so much easier if I could talk,' she scribbled out. 'Having serious conversations is very hard when I have to write everything out.'

"Only one more week babes, then you can have all the conversations you want...but for now we really do need to start getting ready for the festival," Mina groaned as she got up, stretching her arms above her head. "Teaching some of those guys to dance was like trying to teach a drunk man to walk in a straight line." She complained and Aeri huffed out a silent laugh.


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