Chapter Two - Where we are after a few growth spurts

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      A few growth spurts later

     With the thought I hate Magic Studies with a passion! screaming in my mind, I grimace upon my pop quiz, swearing that it was full of things I was never taught, but was somehow expected to know. Doing my best to take on each and every lil question.

     "Maybe I should of just went to bed last night, instead of staying out late." my brain whispers, feeling like it's suffering to just keep my head up, let alone keep my eyes open.

      The constant pitter patter of the rain, soon launches my imagination beyond reach of reality,  casuing me to easily forget about the test that I was giving a good attempt to take until this happened.

    I can't believe how easily I, a seventeen year old, princess, am distracted by falling rain, or how even though the world has changed around me, that i'm still merely the same.

   This will now be my fifth year attending the Open Dreams Academy. For those beloved old war drums have yet to cease, even though their true purpose has long faded.

  The true war, the one against the dark magic users has long been forgotten, for the bloodshed wasn't enough for my father, and instead has been fulfilled by a new war against another country by the name of Jaydeneye.

   So even though its stupid and a waist of time, my father has gone from seeking vengence to wanting to conquer more land.

     I find his wars to be silly, and oh how I use to long to go back home, but now I hardly see that happening for me anytime soon, so I've just dropped those dreams all together.

   Going back to my test, I mutter, struggling to answer the questions Ive skipped through twenty times already by now. Finding that nothing was still making sense, before I just resort to scribbling in whatever seemed best.

  Hearing my mutters,and with her eyes as cold as death, Mrs.Green glares from behind her massive oak desk. Her hook fingers slowly push up her dark rimmed glasses that frame her fat face as she prepares to bark at me yet again.

               “Miss. Valentine, This is a test! Which means NO TALKING!!!!, even when its to yourself!!” 

       Mrs. Green is neither friendly nor good looking, and local rumor has it, she eats the students she invites over. 

     I'm sure it has nothing to do with how pea shaped she is, or how she never wears a smile when she enters her class. No im sure it has nothing to do with her wearing that same old suit of despair, despite the outside temperature, but that's just me.

    I do however feel she could do better by taking the gray nest in which she calls a hairdo down and by maybe not trying to drown her students in Pop Quizes.

     After a while, I realize that I’ve been daydreaming for way to long, before deciding for like the gazillonth(Yes I'm aware this isn't a real number, but i'm a princess, I would like you to tel me that i'm wrong) time within the last few minutes, that I should at least try on this test, knowing that if I don't do good, I will more than likely be grounded by Ellen, yet again.

     Do princess' really get grounded???, You bet yourself that they do!!! Were just like you, We get grounded, we get lectured, and we have rules.

      Rereading the quiz questions I find gives me even a bigger headache, and soon I feel the chances of me getting struck by lightening seem more likely than me answering these questions.

    “So many big words.” I sigh unhappily watching the dorky, young man in front of me finish early, without a sweat.

                                                   Watching him, a thought hits me.

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