Chapter 6-The truth is only good to hear sometimes

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    The next couple months fly by rather quickly, Alexander and I are going pretty strong for having such a crazy relationship like we do, and have been at the norm of going out four times a week.

             Well, actually that is, until recently, when he just randomly quit calling me.

     Alexander hasn’t even bothered to show up to any of our dates that we both agreed would work for us, based on our busy schedules, nor has he been showing up to the make up dates that he set up to make up for not coming to the real ones.

                                                           What is wrong with this guy????????

    Not hearing from him, makes me think about him even more and the more I think about him, the more I feel alone, because oddly when he’s gone so is Tatiana.

   Your probably saying to yourself duh Alanna put two and two together, but I can’t force myself to believe he would cheat on me with her, especially her of all people.

   Sadly, on the other hand, when my logic comes back to this subject, I know Tatiana isn’t a stranger to stealing my boyfriends.

  Wither or not she means to is a whole different story, but I‘m really hoping she didn’t take Alexander from me. I've worked so hard to get him that I would be crushed if she did something like to me.

   I however have no time to think about this because Daniel being ever so kind is here to help me study for all my huge upcoming finals.

   Though with him being here it still doesn't stop my mind from lingering, which it's been constantly doing since I've taken this whole Tatiana thing into thought. Wow brain..way to go on helping me better myself.

              Daniel is lucky if I even give him a slight chance of actually helping me study.

     I barely notice that he’s even here!! I’m so out of it that I barely notice the dinning room (In which were studying in), or the textbooks that lay flat open around me.

    I can't barely get my mind to focus on anything that doesn’t involve Alexander or him leaving me for Tatiana and I hate myself and for it!!  If I weren't so boy crazy or involved in teen drama or whatnot, I would actually be gaining something right now!

   Tapping note cards out of boredom, Daniel reads off another question as we remain swarmed by textbooks.

         “What year did the Open Dreams Academy open?”

     My eyes remain glued to the gently falling snow as I don't even process what is being asked, just figuring any old number would work.


My brain mad we can't even focus, curses me for all the stress i'm putting it through.

    Not only do I have to worry about school, but I have royal duties and family issues, and if I really want to get into my problems, I would have to start blabbing on about my non existing eating habits and sleeping habits, due to me attempting to impress Alexander, and due to the stress that put me through. 

   I mean I have randomly slept reacently, but everytime I do, I just find nightmares awaiting me, so caffine just seems like the better alternative right now, which hmm now I think about it, maybe that's why I'm having issues sitting still right now.

   I really don't know what I am going to do with myself, I'm a complete mess on my scale, but I do know that i'm happy for this upcoming break.

     “Seriously three???” he scoffs, throwing the cards up in the air, making it rain around him.

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