Chapter 12 part 2- Returning home and Returning hearts

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   I trudge into the dorm with a heavy sigh to find Buffy preparing batter for pancakes as Christmas carols blasted from the stereo, and to Kylinea, watching a documentary of some sort.

   Carelessly I throw my cloak and boots off onto the floor and head instantly towards my room so I can be alone.

   Kylinea, glancing my away as I'm down the hall, exclaims “No offense dear, but you look like hell, Alanna! What happened?” the look that she gives, convinces me that I must of really look like one of the living dead. 

    “Yea Miss. Vain, what’s wrong?” asks Buffy turning the stove off and walking around the center kitchen counter towards me.

     I try to speak, but I’m unable to form the words that I need and my voice cracks even when I try to whisper, so instead I end up breaking down into tears. I hate seeming so weak and doing this in front of them, but I just can't control it.

They then look at each other unsure of what’s going on and hug me tightly in a group hug.

“Look I’m sorry if I offended you!” apologizes Buffy sounding rather confused as she let go. 

 I shake my head “no” to show her that she wasn’t the source of my ever flowing tears.

   I then sob on her shoulder for a while as she stares at Kylinea helplessly on what to do with me.

Kylinea, from behind me then gently pulls me off Buffy, and offers me a tissue.

  “Do you want to talk about it?’ asks Kylinea sitting next to me now at the dinning room table as Buffy opens the curtains to let some sunlight in.

    I still didn’t feel like speaking so I simply just shook my head “no” at her and she nodded before giving me another hug. 

    After breakfast, I still feel like my insides were twisting and turning so I don’t bother to eat one bite of the breakfast that was prepared for me.

    When Kylinea and Buffy leave me to go clean the kitchen, I toss my pancakes and march to the bathroom to take a long bath, so I can try to steady my emotions.

“Ring-ring” shouts my phone from my bed-side table, I watch it carelessly and ignore it.

Laying in my canopy, with my knees buried deep into my chest, I tuck my head into them. 

     My heart continuously cries in despair and my bed spread becomes drenched with tears and eye liner. This pain, I was feeling was the worst thing I’ve ever felt.Nothing can even compare to what I was going through. Part of me wanted to carry on crying like I was, while part of me wanted to move on with my life, and on top of that I had the angry part of me that wanted revenge.

   My phone continuously rang, and out of annoyance, I answer it.

   “Hello?’ I answer in a weak low voice as I hold the receiver close to my ear.

   “Darling, are you ill?” asks my father concerned because of my sadden tone as I move the phone to sit up.

  “No Daddy, just I’m….very tried.” I lie through my teeth perfectly, making myself sound cheerful as possible.

   “Are you traveling home tonight? I’m a little shocked not to see you here already my darling, your favorite thing the festival started a few weeks ago and you haven’t even been here to enjoy it. Pearlium, Hayden, and Madeline are here and I know they would be overjoyed to see you so I suggest you hop to it.” he states murmuring something to someone else in the background. 

   I look at the calendar that hung loosely on my wall to find that it was only three days to Christmas Eve and that it was probably more than likely really odd to him that I wasn’t already at home celebrating my favorite festival.

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