Chapter 8 part 2- It's been a hard days night&I don't have the courage togo on

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    The very next day was Diana’s funeral. The funeral was to take place at Jeweltopia’s only church, which was the center of any formal ceremony, not matter if it was marriage, death, or baptisms, it was our church that my family had been a part of for centuries.

It's grand structure, peeped high above of the trees and could be easily seen, even if it was located deep within the woods.

    For Diana's funeral I wore a gripping black dress, thats skirt flared out right below my knees, thanks to the gray petticoat that fluffed out from underneath it. My hair was hung carelessly around my shoulders, and I had a tiny, black, top hat pinned into it.

   This small hat had a silver veil to cover my face from the world during the funeral and made me feel like I could hide from all the stares I was receiving.

   Around my neck dangled a diamond bejeweled silver cross, which seemed to be the only thing sparkling with life amongst my gloomy attire. 

     Everyone from Jeweltopia was at the church to pay their respects to the Carter family, even my own family attended to pay their respects.

      I don’t bother to talk to anyone at the funeral, or the dinner that follows because I‘m still at lost for words and because im not in the mood to.

    While sitting at a table alone, the pressure in my mind becomes so strong that I feel the need to flee from it.

     I then sneak out to go bask in the moonlight, since I can’t handle sitting in the grand dinning hall for such a grim occasion, nor was I able to be around all the despairing people.

Sitting on a log, I hear hushed voices near by and instantly my curiosity begins to spark.

    Getting up quietly, marching deep into the woods, I find not only my mother and Ellen, but Daniel’s mother Urania all gathered together under a huge oak tree, looking as if their debating about something as they stood there huddled. 

Seeing Daniel‘s mother whom I secretly despise from past interactions, sparks a greater curiosity in me as I hide behind another large oak tree to eavesdrop upon them.

“I have something I need to confess to you my queen, I’m truly concerned about our Alanna and where she stands!” announces Ellen, very distressed, as she fiddles with a blue hanky that's clenched between her pale fingers.

At first my mother takes a swift glance around, in search fo spies, before releaving a sigh of sadness.

“Oh me too my dearest Ellen, I didn’t even know my daughter was so close to Diana and sadly we all know for fact that her life isn’t about to turn around anytime soon because…… well because you both know why, their's no reason for me to speak of it anymore than I have to.”

“Our daughters grew up together like sisters and even though they eventually turned against each other like true sisters do sometimes, I was able to tell that they truly cared for each other despite of how their otter appearances may had seemed. I really hope your poor daughter never ever has to deal with what life has been throwing at her ever again.” says Urania sounding real genuine as she lights a candle and holds it closely to her dead white skin. “Did you know our little Alanna saved my daughter’s life the last time she was attacked?” 

My mother’s jaw drops as she shakes her head with disbelief and as she asks Ellen “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

“I’m sorry your majesty, but I had no clue, your daughter has the tendency to share like she does the ability to listen fully, which in case you don’t know your majesty, is very selective so sorry I wasn’t able to report this to you!” replies Ellen, just as shocked as my mother.

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