Chapter Thirteen part 1- Near death experience number....???

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      Today, is the Christmas Eve ball and the celebration of my 19th birthday, but I don’t feel much like celebrating, unlike everyone else around me, who's rushing through today trying to make everything perfect.

   The grand ballroom, is packed with guest of all sorts and if you peep out the window all you can see for miles was traffic coming towards the castle in celebration of me. 

    I sit in the grand entry way next to the thirty feet tall “Christmas tree of Jeweltopia” trying to keep my spirits high so my guests won't begin a ugly train of rumors about me.

     The tree that I sit next to, holds a ornament for every living person in Jeweltopia and sparkles beautiful in the chandelier’s warm light. This tree has been used every year to show our love and appreciation for our people that support us and its even decorated in good spirit for those who despise us.

      I smile falsely to Pearlium and my nieces who seem so filled with joy as they walk pass me.

     I’ve learned recently that Pearlium is being forced to marry so she can keep her crown and that somewhere waltzing about was her new fiancé.It really sadens me to think that she and I will no longer be related, but I am happy that she is making a attempt to move on.

       I personally wish I shared her strength and optimistically, even with the knowledge she holds about her future I have yet to see her down this evening, and I know better than anyone that she loved my brother like I did Daniel, so I truly feel for her. 

     My friends and the rest of my family are already at the ball having a splendid time without me.

      I told my friends about the break up, but force them to go ahead to the ball without me because I don’t want to spoil their fun or visit because I just truely just wanted to be alone with my thoughts.

     Kylinea looked stunning and I do wish that I would went out with her for bit. She somehow managed to perm her short strands, and walked proudly into that ball room, working a gorgeous white and silver ball gown that was more sleek than ruffly, and oh how it brought out her eyes, making her shine for someone of her status.

    Buffy, surprisingly cleaned up greatly as well! She pinned her hair up into an elborate fan looking do and she even wore a gown of midnight blue.

   Every time, I snuck a peek at them,  they seemed to be having a wonderful time and I was glad to see they were enjoying themselves in the delicious smelling ballroom that no longer seemed to suit me anymore.

     The only reason I was here at the ball, in the first place, was my mother had found me moping in my room and forced me to come because according to her, we should be here for our people not for ourselves and she thought I should go since many of our neighboring kingdoms traveled all this way. (She didn't even bother to say anything about it being my suppose birthday celebration)

      After lecturing me, she forced me to wear  this golden gown. Oh my goodnesss, It weighed a ton due to all the ruffles, but luckily it’s easy to walk in because it goes to only my knees in the front and flares out in the back.

      My hair had been pulled back into a side ponytail, held in place by a matching ribbon.

      Once I was able to get out of greeting people, I bolted to this balcony and since then I've been here.  I just couldn't deal with  the merry royal families, the happy crowd of commoners who came to see me, or my ex best friends, who's families were acting as if it were normal they were together.

    Being around them made it hard for me to even think straight and being at the ball itself just reminded me more that I no longer have Daniel. I was grateful for my new friends, I truly was, but this was something hard for me to get over. You can't just easily forget about people you've spent almost your whole life with in a snap.

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