Chapter Fourteen part 1- The Unsuspected Emotional Rollercoaster Adventure

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  • Dedicated to To Caleb for helping me get my story this far<3

Start of the Spring Semester

    “Welcome 6th years to the history of the royal crowns!” greets Mrs. Green with an welcoming smile as she looks upon us.

   “Why is she so happy to see us?” whispers a boy frightened, leaning in towards me as we both watch her puzzled.

   “It’s probably because after this semester she’ll never have to speak to us again.” I tell him with a smirk as we both snicker and turn our attentions back to Mrs.Green.

    Mrs. Green, clicking around the classroom remains very peppy and happy like as we glide through our notes.

  "What is she up to?" I thought watching her putting a halt to any side note passing I was doing.

   “We will be studying into great detail each of the current royal families including Miss. Valentine’s own family!” she announces with a false smile as a small sigh escapes my lips.

    “Great she’s going to expect me to know a lot and to confirm what our lesson plans say.” I thought grimly giving her a false smile back as she passed out chapter one packets, keeping her eyes on me. 

     The rest of this class was spent learning about Pearlium’s kingdom of Mapledonia and by the time the bell rang I had four whole pages of notes down. I felt like I was going to collapse with an information overload and was more than happy to get out of there.

   In musical creations, I sat next to Artemis since she was Mr. Winters favorite student for I knew that I needed to stay out of trouble for at least the first week back.

   Nearly knocking me out of my seat, she punches my arm. “You didn’t tell me that your birthday was Christmas Eve!” I WOULD HAVE MADE ICABOD SING MORE IF I WOULD OF KNOWN!"

   I laugh. “Calm down woman! I didn’t tell anyone because one, I don’t really need anything, and two, I just wanted everyone to have a great time.” I reply fixing my stockings and cardigan as I avoid all the stares were getting, pretending that this was a everyday activity for us.

   While I was fixing myself up, she rumaged through her acid-washed bag.

   “Well I got you something anyways!” she announces smiling, handing me a small, silver wrapped box. I open the elaborate giftbox that made me gaze in aw, to find a small, circular, blue music box that was showered with mini glittery shooting stars.

  “Turn the handle!”  she eagerly demands. I smile and do what she says.

   The lid slowly pops up with a cranking noise, and out bursts a mini fireworks show. As the fireworks scream out, a soft melody hums.

   “This is really awesome!” I inform her still astonished by it, wanting to gaze at its beauty forever as I hear some of my classmates ohh and ahhh at it behind me.

   As we kept our eyes upon it, she wraps her pale arms around me. “I’m glad you like it, I found it at the this cute little shop while I was on tour and the man said it was a small child’s music box, but I thought it was too cool to pass up so I bought it and knew you would like it because it was so unique, so happy birthday and merry Christmas.” 

  Kylinea, then turns to warn us with an urgent tone “Mr. Winters is coming, be quiet you two!”. 

Before we can argue Mr. Winters already stood behind us with his hands on his wide hips.

   “I will not tolerate talking in my class! Miss. Delphine I would have expected better from you, but since you have befriended Miss. Valentine I guess I can understand this behavior. Since it is your first day back I won’t assign detentions instead, I want you to do jumping jacks anytime we sing a song.” he announces with a sly smile as he prepares to take attendance.

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