Chapter 7 Part 2- Life has a funny way of making things happen

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       The snow has almost faded and the gentle touch of spring is slowly being restored to the world, giving the air an intoxicating smell aura making everything feel more vibrant than dead.

    Daniel, has yet to come back since that day, a few weeks ago, giving me no choice, but to spend all my free time with the Johnson twins or alone.

   Most of the time I’ve been finding myself more and more with the twins doing things like shopping, going to the movies, skating, and even bowling, just so I won't have to be alone.

   Being alone means I have time to think, having time to think, means I have to face my feelings and thoughts, Facing my feelings and thoughts, means breaking dow,n and I just can't accept that both of my old best friends are gone and that their causes for leaving are more than likely my fault!!

   Now back to my situation with Daniel, Their has been no sign of him anywhere, even back home!

    I've never known him, to missed a ball and not seeing him at the "Valentine's Day" Ball really made me wonder if he's avoiding me for good.

   I tried to ask Diana about him but she said that it was best that I left him alone if I knew what was good for me in the long run. I couldn’t tell if she told me this out of sincere desire to protect me or was is it because she didn’t like me very much in the 1st place.

   So either way I have to pat my self on the shoulder and say "Great job Alanna!!! You've lost all your childhood friends within only weeks of each other!"

   I know it sounds like I’m obsessed with him, and this topic, but I can’t help it!!!I need to know if he hates me, and why he skipped a yearly tradition for the first time in our lives, and why he hasn’t been attending school, when he’s normally a straight “A” student, who has a perfect record of attendance.

                           This is just all to weird for me to figure out on my own!

A couple days later,

    “Like guess what?” shriek Sara and Sally, popping up next to my locker, nearly doing jumping jacks as they excitedly move about, making me tired just by looking at them.

                                   Rolling my eyes, I mimic their jump and joy.

     “Like what?” I mimic, making sure my voice was just as bubbly and bouncey. 

   I know your like, those are you friends, why are you acting like that, but ever since i've been all down, their peppiness has been getting on my nerves.

   “Like Cody Wellston wants to take you to the spring formal!” they exclaim loudly in my ear.

   Slamming my locker with a quiet thump, my ear rings as my head quickly cringes to the side, in attempt to block their high pitch noises of delight.

Giving them a puzzling look. I try to place a face to this name. “And like who is Cody Wellston?”

      Their jaws drop at me in shock as they whisper hushed between them so I can't hear.

               "Well?" I ask, my thin brow going up as I remain looking at them.

   “Oh my goodness I can’t believe you don’t know him! He’s like only the cutest quarter back ever. Sara replies still nearly squealing as I try to adjust to all this noise.

   "Well except for Daniel Carter!" gushes Sally with a slight blush, that cause Sara to nervously look the other way, causing me to just shrug them both of.

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