Chapter Seven part 1-Sleepovers,turn-overs&everlasting friendship

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      Everyone was quite pleased to see me once I am well again. I feel on top of the world as I go to every class and as I’m greeted by everyone warmly, including even the teachers whom I was pretty sure hated me with all their gut. I however am not complaining and I’m glad to see that I’m not just another face to them.

   Sally and Sara, of course were the most overjoyed people to see me yet today.

    When they saw me strutting down the hall this morning they squealed with delight as they came hurling towards me for a hug. I couldn’t believe how many people were staring when they did this, luckily for them I heart them like sisters now so I wasn’t embarrassed by the scene that they had made.

 Sally and Sara even invited me over this Saturday to sleepover at their home to celebrate my health. 

     School just seemed awesome today for the fact I felt good about being there and things weren’t so bad, I do still miss Tatiana, but I can tell that I’m healing from all this teen drama. The more I think about how I can make new friends with people the more excited I feel about the rest of this year.

     I arrive home to the scrumptious scents of all my favorite foods; grilled chicken, macaroni and cheese shells with hamburger, cooked zucchini, and snicker-doodles. Ellen, I could tell by all the cooking she had gone through today was also pleased to see me better as well. 

    Daniel and Diana came over for dinner and we all sat down together as if we were family.

   Sitting there with them next to me, reminded me of the lunches and picnics we used to have as children and made me almost miss the good old days when he had nothing standing between us.

    Diana during our dinner didn’t seemed hateful towards me and was laughing warmly as she shared stories with us. Her mood towards everything seemed to feel like we were sisters rather than enemies and everyone was seeming to have a delightful time.

   After dinner, the three of us kids pulled out some of the family board games and decks of cards to play with each other. This went pretty well, until Diana and I got into a major argument over who sunk who’s battleship with a lead pipe in the game of life, with a Bishop, on a checkerboard that laid on a fake operation table with dice covering it.

    Daniel, like always had to stop our nonsense and we were both shocked to find that we had mixed many different games together and were squawking nonsense at each other. I still felt rather confident about the fact that I had won.

    This fact was enough to send Diana storming home and leaving a bit of alone time to Daniel and I.

    During this time, Daniel taught me how to play a game where you rolled dice with pictures on them to determine what your lil figurine went or did next. I told him quite a few times that to me this game was probably for dorks, or something and every time he heard me say this he laughed.

   I secretly had fun, but I knew if Tatiana was to somehow see me she would have thought we were being pretty lame. 

   When the game I was calling “lame” ended, I grabbed my coat and walked with Daniel across the school campus to his dorm. 

   The night was cool, but wasn’t to terrible out compare to what had been like recently. I was able to see my breath every time I looked up to the pale moon and I was able to feel the wind nibbling at my flesh.

      This feeling didn’t last me long, when Daniel linked arms with me, to block the wind from getting me and when I rested my head down on his shoulder, I felt my cheeks grow warm as we carried on. 

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