Chapter 9-The long road home and celebrating the holidays with a bang

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                   Early the next morning, Daniel and I began our journey home together.

    It's about three o’clock in the morning, so were both sleepy, as the world slowly lights up around us.

       We also both are a bit on edge as were pull out of the parking lot.Making the chances for arguements, very high, as we crowd into the car filled with trunks.

                         The traffic leaving school,I must say is unbelievable!!

   Everyone it seemed, was leaving the Open Dreams Academy to meet with their families for the upcoming holidays!!!

                                                                I sigh, closing my eyes.

   The only reason I had even agreed to waking up this early in the first place was to avoid the stupid traffic we’re now stuck in.

     I can tell that Daniel is avoiding saying anything to me at this moment because he knows I want to chew him out for this turn out. 

  After all these years, Daniel, luckly has paid enough attention to know when I'm upset with him, therefore knowing when to be quiet, which happened to be one of those times,as I remain curled against the door.

     The reason for all this chaos in the parking lot this morning was, everyone decided to head towards the same road that lead towards my kingdom at the same very exact time after we all found out that the other highway would  be closed due to a few fallen trees.

       "Happy camper", I am so totally not today!!! I'm sure i'm going to spaz out for the worse if we don't get a move on, like very soon. 

    Well, while Im waiting here let me inform you why everyone is heading towards my home.

     The current "Winter Festival" and the upcoming Christmas Eve ball are the true reasons for all of this nonsense. These events happen to be Jeweltopia’s main social events of the year, in which everyone poor, or rich attends.

     For they have been a tradition ever since my grandmother Leonia arived here. Wanting something to celebrate the thing she loved the most (Hint, hint, the snow), my great Grandfather came up with this fabulous festival!

    Now its a hit, for not only the snow and christmas, but it also happens to be the way my people celebrate my birth as well, so I guess I should feel very thankful towards my Grandmother, but it's kind of hard considering all the hoopla its causing, especially at this time in the morning.

      Daniel, for most our trip, spent his time shouting at our fellow schoolmates, who are driving stupidly down the highway without a care, after we get a move on. I, however spend most of my time, trying to not lazerbeam people for their driving.

    Diana, unfortunately, was stuck driving behind us for almost the whole way and during the whole drive all I could hear was her honking annoyingly at the traffic.

   The only reason she even stopped, before I had to interfere was because someone blew out her horn by blasting it out with magic, In which I have to say I owe another big thank you to, for once that stopped I was able to relax and not be so tense.

      Once home, I'm still not able to rest, due to the fact I had to change from my normal teenager look to future queen look in a matter of only a half hour.

  The only reason I had to do this right away was for the simple fact that the festival couldn’t start, until I was there and I guess they were all upset from waiting on me.

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