58. Jakarta

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Of course, I went with him to Jakarta and waited for him backstage with a hug ready. I took care of him every single moment I could, cuddled him until he would fall asleep... I became his dream guardian, being sure they would all be pleasant ones.

I also became his comfort during the moments he shed tears. You see, he is a very reserved person; he doesn't know very well how to comfort others when they cry, hence he's not used to receiving comfort because he's used to crying alone, but now, having me next to him, he learned how to let go and just let himself be loved.

But, I didn't have anyone to comfort me if I cried, I couldn't let Yoongi see me cry, so whenever I needed to cry my soul out I would do it during a quick shower, or on a ciggy break far away from everyone. Again, my fears were lurking around, waiting for the worst moment to take over.

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