❄︎ Winter Heart ❄︎

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Young criminal. Doing criminal stuff for a living. Pretty hot though. And she's a she-devil! Lizzie Thompson possesses superhuman strength and abilities since she had taken the super soldier serum unintentionally when she was on a mission in Russia. Some people see her as a tough street criminal who can lift unbelievable number of pounds, like trucks. One of the superheroes who can do that is America Chavez, so this makes Lizzie one of the anti-heroes who can do that. In this city, of course.
With Black Cat by her side, there is no theft that would go unsuccessful. So that's how they usually make money to live.

One night Lizzie was just trying to relax at the bar, but turns out even just another of simplest bank heists can get interrupted by one of many, MANY skilled heroes in the city. New York is full of them. Literally. But only one of them isn't less skilled than Lizzie, a.k.a. Winter Heart. Even a master shooter and a thief can get caught.

That one certain night changed her life forever, even if the small event didn't seem like it would make something bigger in the future. But it did. Such a funny butterfly effect, isn't it?

Kate Bishop, a.k.a. Hawkeye was just routinely patrolling her neighborhood when the police sirens blared behind the corner and she went to stop the bank heist. But the turn of events startled her, too.

Even if Lizzie and Kate knew each other from childhood and used to play together, their long break made them practically strangers. And they realized they're not the same once they looked in each other's eyes again. Well, they also had no idea they were living so close to each other in the same city and never got to meet before.

But now when they did, their paths started to cross. From the beginning. But it's hard to start over when your old friend is now a grown anti-hero and the other one is on the bright side. The real question is– will they find the old spark that is inside them to.... realize what's this new unknown feeling between them? Looks like it's about time it happens, when they least expected it. But they were born ready.


~ a/n ~
I don't own anything that belongs to Marvel. It's just a product of fiction, and everything that happens in this story is fictional. I only own Lizzie Thompson/Winter Heart and her storyline. The story's taking place somewhere post-Secret Wars comic run (2015) and pre-West Coast Avengers (2018). Please forgive me and don't mind the timeline, even I don't follow it as much as I should as a fan xd. I just go with the flow.

~ Huge thanks to:

my friend CzarnyChaber for pushing me to the edge, so I finally put everything together and started writing this book. Thanks!

  So, happy reading, folks!

written: June–October (2023)

edited: January (2024)

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