7. West Coast

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   So, LA. Lizzie is just happy to be somewhere else that's not New York for the first time. She's never been here before. "Why do I get a feeling that I'm gonna have to be a full-time Winter Heart here?"

    "This feels wrong..." America watches the scene in disbelief. Lizzie joins her and narrows her eyes.

     Giant land sharks... yeah, that'll do. Lizzie grew up with a belief this kinda stuff happens only in her city. Well. "What's our plan, Chavez?"

    "Our what?!"

  "Ugh." Lizzie groans and comes up with her own strategy. "Follow me if you wanna help. Let's find your team."

    "Yeah, you're probably right. Just no shooting." they start running to Kate and Clint.

     Lizzie rolls her eyes. She just got disallowed to use the only weapon she has to defend herself and the people from the sharks, so she's gonna have to fight differently this time.

     At the beach where Kate is leading the rest of giants by riding their leader, Lizzie sees that and calls her. "Kate, what the hell are you doing?!"

    She didn't hear her. "Goddamnit, I can't even."

  This is dumb. Lizzie scans the surroundings and decides to get Kate out of there before something bad happens to her. She can do this by herself. So she jumps on another shark and climbs onto its back.

     As she gets next to Kate, she speaks with her crazy friend. "Is this why you're avoiding me–giant land sharks? Really?"

       "Lizzie? God, you're not supposed to be here. I'm not avoiding, I'm handling it!" Kate states stubbornly. Lizzie tilts her head to the side and just doesn't care if Kate wants it or not– she saves her from this mess.

    Once Kate lands on the ground pulled off her shark by Lizzie, she watches Lizzie take her role. "No! Hey, this isn't right. Lizzie, I'm serious, you'll drown."

    "Yeah, did that a while before, didn't work out for me. Watch me!" Lizzie leads the sharks back to the ocean like it was planned.

     Then she gets out of the water, wet, but knowing she saved the town. She sees America, Clint, and other friends of Kate. And then Kate comes through them all and runs to her. "Oh gosh! Are you okay, Lizzie? That was so..."


   "Stupid. But hey, you unlocked a new hairstyle that suits you perfectly. I call it hottie wet." Kate smirks and starts messing with her hair.

    "Fine! That's enough, I'm okay because you called it hot." Lizzie smirks back. "Can we talk now? Before the sharks come back?"

    "Why would they come back?" Kate says in confusion. -"I mean, what I did won't be permanent. It's a matter of time when those things come back. Which is why I'm going to need you guys to go easy on my guns."

"I like her." Gwenpool says to the nearest person.

Kate grabs Lizzie's shoulders and nods, warmly. "Of course you can use your weapons if it's for good purposes. I'm glad you're here. Now let's go to my office, I have something to finish with Barton and... you need to dry yourself."

"And then we talk. I came here for this. You know what I mean." Lizzie passes her by. America looks at both of them and starts analyzing. -"Is there something between you two, princess?"

"No!" they synchronize, making their friends even more confused.

In Kate's office, everyone enjoys the meeting with pizza and Lizzie tries out Yelena's guitar and plays a new note while Kate is preparing a flyer on her laptop. To find more West Coast vigilantes for a West Coast based team to help saving the day in this area. But she has no idea where to start and struggles with writing a good headline.

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