11. my one

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Shortly after the kiss, Kate asks another question in one breath. "About that first kiss in the police car, did you mean it?"

That's what she's been trying to figure out. Now she found the answer. Lizzie likes to talk to her now. "It wasn't my first. But also, yeah, of course I did mean it. Look, I should be the one offended here that you thought I'd just play with your feelings. I would never. If I ever kissed you– you can be sure I did it because I wanted to. I don't fake good kisses."

Kate smiles happily. It was good for her, too. "Lizzie, that's so sweet. But thank you for being honest with me, I'm about to do the same for you." Kate nods and then realizes. "So this isn't awkward that we...."

"No, it isn't. I just– you're the girl that I've always loved and you always will be my one. It's always been you, Kate."

"But how do I give the same to you? I really want to like you back, I just need time."

"Kate, I can give you time." Lizzie grabs her hand for reassurance. Kate looks down and just pulls her into a hug. Again, positively and spontaneously. "I'll be patient if you want me to."

"We're not alone." Kate hears footsteps.

They separate and get up. Bucky and America come in where Lizzie and Kate are. "Hey, you... two." Bucky starts the conversation, not making it awkward because he sees Lizzie finally holding hands with Kate.

"That's some mess you got yourselves into. Not to mention it's happening again, but I kicked some asses as always." America cracks her fists.

Lizzie clears her throat and speaks up matter-of-factly. "There's still one more left. We all know who that is. This is why I'm gonna shoot some ass."

Saying that, she brings out her pistol and looks at Kate. Kate of course gets what Lizzie is thinking about. Kate replies with a confident nod. "Don't look at me, you're the best strategist here. I like it only if it's shooting for a good cause."

"Which is right now, right?" Kate asks. Lizzie smirks in response. -"Ready for that classic Winter Heart and Hawkeye adventure back again?"

Kate grabs her bow confidently. "After you, gorgeous."

After they both leave, America and Bucky watch them and stay confused for a few seconds. That's because they're stunned. "She called your best friend gorgeous..." says America.

"And mine is now holding hands and being wild with your best friend." Bucky adds.

They both come with conclusion and know what's going on. "Should we do something about it? Maybe help them get together?" America raises her eyebrows.

Bucky is just okay with it. "Nope. They can get there on their own, I bet they will."

   {10 minutes later}

Lizzie and Kate found the real bad guy and quickly knocked him down and well... as far as heroes go, they also put him into police custody.

And then decided to go back to their friends and celebrate the successful mission around here.

They all met again in the bar where Giulia is working. For some reason everyone gathered there.

"So this is over?" Giulia hugs with Lizzie when she comes back. –"Yeah. For real this time."

"Hey, so about us earlier... I just want to let you know I liked the kiss and everything, but I don't feel it was right. I actually know you deserve someone who can give you what you need." Lizzie focuses to say it right. "But you're a really good kisser. It's just on me that we didn't make it."

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