8. a good kisser

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Lizzie arrived to Rome and now as she stands in front of a bar, she puts on her blue colored aviators, already wearing a civilian disguise. She's ready to ask some questions about the missing children from this town and come up with a better plan to forget about personal problems.

"God, being a local fugitive is making this more awkward."

But she comes in anyway, having to wait for Bucky. He's late.

She sits at one of the tables decorated with flowers and it's next to the window– perfect. She quickly reads the menu and decides to order just a coffee. When the waitress comes to her, she orders it and then receives a text from Bucky. This makes her snap back to reality because she's been staring at the waitress. She's pretty hot and Lizzie likes her.

Lizzie sighs and reads what this jerk texted. She's surprised he can even type messages.

  Hey, I'm gonna be late, so don't wait for me to start interrogating and do it yourself, thanks. I should be there in 15 minutes.

She texts back.

how'd you get my number? I don't remember giving it to you but that's OK. I'll start.

   The same waitress comes back and seems unsatisfied. "*I'm sorry, ma'am. We're not serving cappuccino after 11 am. But I can recommend an espresso for you." (translated from Italian)

Lizzie opens her mouth, but shuts it immediately after she remembers that rule. She just forgot it after not showing up for a while. How could she forget?

"Oh, *sure, I'll have an espresso, then." Lizzie nods and smiles patiently.

She forgot, because it's been years since she last went out for a coffee. Absolutely not because that woman makes her so awkward and her heart starts racing. "*I like your hat." the woman smiles politely and walks away.

Lizzie smiles to herself and her cheeks go red. "...Thanks."

Lizzie thinks if the woman knows something, because she seems like she has a clue. She decides to ask that woman questions when she goes on her short break.

When Lizzie gets her espresso, she stops the waitress at the table. "*Excuse me, but while I'm waiting for my friend, I'd like to ask you some questions about the current situation in this town. I think I'm at the right place and I just need to know what's happening with the missing children. One of them is my sister's friend. Please?" Lizzie adds to sound more kind.

The woman understands, so she gives her a bit terrified glance, but checks where her boss is and then whispers in relief. -"*Finally someone who actually takes the case. I think we should do something, so meet me outside the bar after my shift ends in thirty minutes. I have a car."

"*I like you..." Lizzie smirks, and the waitress introduces herself. -"Giulia. *But I should go now and finish fast so that we could go."

"*Is it okay if I ask you out later? Do you listen to girl in red?" Lizzie wonders. The waitress turns around, replying. –"Oh, *sure, every chance I get. We can go out afterwards."

Flirting went further... and fine. Thirty minutes later, Lizzie makes out with Giulia against the wall, outside the bar. Then Giulia gasps and speaks English unintentionally. "This is not what we should be doing–"

Lizzie looks surprised and then replies. "Hey, that was good and unexpected. Where did you learn that?"

"Um, I'm teaching English online to make money for my rent." she nods awkwardly. "Do you think this is going to get awkward later?"

Lizzie looks her deeply in the eyes and shakes her head. "No, I don't think so."

And then they pull each other closer and get deeper into the kiss. Very soft and sweet. Giulia's red lips leave a mark on Lizzie's lips.

They both watch a car arrive in front of them and stop. They immediately separate from each other and speak Italian to keep cover. "*Oh shit."

"*Who the hell still stops at this street?!" Giulia synchronizes with Lizzie. And then they laugh at this. –"We're being so weird about this."

They just didn't want to get caught. "Yeah."

"Ugh, that's just him." Lizzie recognizes the car and turns unimpressed. Bucky comes out of it just to be himself. -"Sorry I'm late."

"Is this him that you have mentioned before?" Giulia looks skeptically at Lizzie.

Lizzie nods at him. "Give him a chance."

Then she slaps him on the face, refusing to forgive him. And she looks down at her wristwatch. "Thirty seven minutes late, bitch. No, not late. You're just not early." she says sarcastically and passes him by. "Of course I don't like that, but right now I can't find words to describe you. Then let me see what you got."

He frowns in confusion as he sees a new face and goes to ask Lizzie about that woman. "Who's she? I saw you two pretty close to each other."

Lizzie doesn't answer and opens the trunk. Giulia joins her and watches what's in there. Lizzie grins wider. "Well, this is more like it."

Bucky grabs a revolver. He expects Lizzie's approval, but all he gets is her unimpressed face. "Too much?" he asks.

"Dude, what do you think we'll be doing with all this– an organized terrorist attack?" Lizzie groans and Giulia chuckles and grabs a weapon. –"If this is legal, I want this one."

"You don't touch that, lady, and let's go. We don't have time for a debate."

They all get in and Lizzie realizes the need to introduce her new partner to her best friend. "And Bucky, this is Giulia. She's on our team now. Giulia, this is my best friend slash disappointment, Barnes. You can recognize him as the Winter Soldier. And he's famous because he hangs out with me."

Giulia looks confused. "What? Are you telling me you are the American Avenger and that street vigilante–– Winter Heart?"

"Oh, the world knows you." Bucky smiles at Lizzie, teasing her. "So, how long have you been flirting? She already knows you better than me after only ten minutes."

   "We weren't flirting, dipshit. I was just doing my job and staying nice to other girls who were nice to me. Kind of." she frowns in confusion when he chuckles. "What?!"

   "Nothing. It's just adorable and you said we."

Lizzie rolls her eyes and Giulia explains. "I think there was just that one time thing between us and that's it. I got a kid from class to rescue."

"Yeah. But damn, girl, you're such a good kisser." Lizzie wipes the lipstick off her cheek. Bucky gets more confused. "We'll save all those kids. Once we figure out what old pervert is holding them in the basement. Or something."

"Lovely." Giulia replies, stressing a little bit.

   "Okay, everyone calm down and focus. Any clues where do we start?"

"So before you came to my bar, Lizzie, a strange woman didn't order anything just passed this note to me and said to give it to you. Like, she gave me specific name and now I know it's you because you're Winter Heart."

Lizzie looks at Bucky and he shrugs. "I told you, the world knows you."

Lizzie looks down at the piece of paper and considers reading it as it might be a clue.

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