1. i'm in love with crime

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~ Upper West Side, Manhattan ~

"That was a good one." Lizzie Thompson smirks at Felicia after she said definitely something that Lizzie found funny. Now Lizzie is ready to do some karaoke on the stage, so she finishes Felicia's drink, and Felicia glares at Lizzie. - "Hey! Did I say you can take mine?"

"No." Lizzie snorts a laugh, and licks the edge of the glass after finishing the drink. "It was really tasty. But it's too strong for you, so I just saved your liver."

"I know the drinks are on me, but now I'm kinda jealous of the glass." Felicia smirks, watching her lick the glass.

Lizzie puts it back on the table and winks at her. "Then watch me rule the stage, my girl."

They went back to friends after their brief romance, but they're still partners and pretty close. "Fine. I'm joining you."

"Exactly what I was thinking you'd do." Lizzie says with approval and grabs her hand.

She'll still sing a surprise song for her, and she's keeping it a secret. That's her thing.

Lizzie starts, even if the other guests recognize her and give them both a little judgement. They're not so welcomed in Manhattan after the last action. But they just don't give a fuck and keep living their best lives, they're used to it.

She grabs the microphone and speaks to it, looking at the public. She can't stop smiling, absolutely not because her idea is crazy and she and Felicia got tipsy. "Okay, listen up, everybody! I have something to say..."

Felicia stares at her with curiosity. Lizzie stares back, briefly, and then finishes her speech. "Hi, I'm gay."

Honestly nobody is surprised, they know that since the news of Black Cat and Winter Heart together under arrest was frequent and famous. Two insanely hot criminals doing what bad girls do at night together. It's just robberies, of course. What else would it be?

Only a few older people are surprised. But Lizzie is proud of herself, just like Felicia. "That's right. And this news I dedicate to all the girls out there who have reasons not to come out, I see you. But I'm not a good influence. Find your heroes, y'all."

She doesn't expect applause and starts singing as the music starts playing. Felicia immediately recognizes the song when Lizzie's favorite line makes Lizzie go crazy and jump on the table to sing like a rockstar. Exactly how Lizzie feels right now, forgetting she dislikes attracting attention.

"And even I know this ain't smart. But mama I'm in love with a criminal." her pretty eyes are glued to Felicia, because.. that's obvious. She still wants her bad girl. She imagines her being naked, too.

"And this type of love isn't rational! It's physical!" Felicia reacts with even more attraction to the lyrics. She twirls her silver hair around her finger as Lizzie jumps off the table and sprints straight to her.

Lizzie shares the mic and smooches her cheek, friendlily. Felicia laughs and starts singing her part, confident. "Mama please don't cry, I will be alright. All reasons aside, I just can't deny. Love the guy!"

Then she drops the mic, staring deeply into Lizzie's eyes. Into her soul. Lizzie bites her lip, interested in the next move. "I can be the guy, catty. Kiss me. That's the way we're famous." she whispers to Felicia. Which makes her vulnerable.

She couldn't understand what makes Felicia interested in guys too, but she just accepted it and hoped she's giving her better treatment than them. Girls are just doing everything better.

As the mic drops and makes a thud, Felicia holds Lizzie in her arms and they sink into each other's lips, kissing passionately. "That what you meant?"

Lizzie kisses her back instantly, and goes lower to her neck. That means yes.

Then they go back to their table and Felicia brings out her own bottle of tequila. "Are you really gonna mix my strong wine with this thing? In my experience–– it's a bad idea."

"But it's my good taste. Don't be so protective of me, Thompson. You're such a mom." Felicia pours her glass, so Lizzie rolls her eyes, but also does that. She could drink whatever and more and still avoid tomorrow's hangover, but not everyone is like her.

"Guess we'll see who dies tomorrow morning from hungover. Just saying." Lizzie states, innocently. "Oh, we need a whole lot of therapy."

"First we need money to afford that." Felicia nods. "Which is why we're going to do another one of bank heists tonight. As usual. I got one in the next street where we haven't visited yet."

"Yet." Lizzie points out. But she's down for it, because they do need to make money for a living. "I'm in. But let's talk the details at home, not here. I don't trust these people." she narrows her eyes, scanning the room.

"Same. And lucky enough they still didn't kick us out."

Lizzie picks up her jacket from the chair, and her friend gives her a weird look. "Let's go now. We've got a plan to make."

"The faster the better, huh." Felicia admits and follows her, discreetly stealing a wallet from another guy's purse since he was the one that messed with them earlier. And she keeps going like nothing happened, which turns out for their good.

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