2. bad girls do it well

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Inside the elevator of Felicia's apartment building, Lizzie saves her from falling down so she won't get hurt. Just like Lizzie expected, mixing wine with tequila was a bad idea for her ex-girlfriend.

So now Lizzie drags Felicia who passed out to her apartment. Where they both live, even if Lizzie has her own apartment in Brooklyn.

Lizzie puts Felicia in the bed and takes off her boots. She's always caring even if she's mad at her for being damn right about this outcome. "I told you it was a bad idea, didn't I." Lizzie sighs, getting up and doesn't expect a response.

But when she's leaving, Felicia replies once she wakes up. "Ooff, I'm so dead.."

"Whuzzgonnabewiththeplannow?" she mumbles into the pillow.

"I'll do it. Just let me bring you a glass of water and painkillers while you're resting. Is my motorcycle still down in the garage?"

"You know where are the keys. But you gotta gas it, I've used it all up last night."

Lizzie rolls her eyes, having enough of her already. "Damn you, Hardy. I understand if we were still together, but now if you wanna borrow my things you can just ask. I don't bite."

She sometimes wishes they didn't have financial problems. But tonight's robbery will be good for them. If this goes well as usual.

"I'd argue if that's true." Felicia gives her a skeptical look.

Lizzie also checks if they need to get some food. And she notices they're out of some essentials. "Hmm, we're out of coffee, too."

"We?" Felicia sits up, realizing. Lizzie puts back the empty jar and starts looking.

"Go back to sleep. I'll bring the money.." Lizzie chuckles, and grabs the keys after she changed her clothes to her tight black suit that makes her barely visible and unrecognizable. ".. Like a proper woman."

"Okay, Sicilian, understood. Now get out!"

Lizzie laughs and leaves by the door. She likes messing with Felicia when it comes to her apartment, where Lizzie doesn't live, but often comes over and makes herself at home. She stays only when she believes Felicia needs her presence. And there's no boredom especially when they're having fun.

Once she left, she locks the door and then slightly hits her forehead on the door releasing a heavy sigh. "Black Cat, you're killing me."

But she's glad she could take care of her, and now she can fully focus on the mission. A simple task that's part of their job. So she keeps going and lets in the new energy.

She loves her job, like the heroes love theirs. Probably.

She has one job– bring the money. Sooo, another bank heist. She's always prepared for that. Born to be a criminal, will die a criminal. And she's okay with that.

𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭  ❥ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now