9. the mansion

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   There was a specific location on the paper. So the three drive there and then ten minutes later they stop in a small village. The one with missing kids. "Oh my God, look at all those posters.. can't imagine the nightmare their parents are going through."

   Giulia also looks terrified but Lizzie stays calm. "Whoever led us to this location, they want me to come alone. So take these in case I need backup and stay in touch." she gives them both an earpiece.

   "I know how to use it. I kind of binge watched all the American secret agent shows and got the best out of them. Thanks." Giulia smirks and puts her comm in her ear.

    They get out and go to the trunk. Bucky can't resist a brotherly tease. "You should hook up with her. She's cute and funny." he subtly points to Giulia.

    Lizzie still thinks about someone else. "I'm leaving the best for you." she teases back. "We only kissed. I was a bit broken and sad."

   "Sad or not sad, you never end up with just a kiss, Lizzie." he puts on his jacket. "Who made you feel this way?"

     "My sick existence after I broke up with Black Cat and then screwed up everything I could've had with the better Hawkeye." she sums up, but she wanted to say this.

     He smiles like an idiot now. "Wait, really? I was right?"

   "One more word and you'll find out what afterlife feels like."

  "So, you opened to the best chance in your life, but then you just let it get away?" he asks. She gives him a weird look. –"What? It's not like you think liking girls is, it's not easier to me, man-who-wouldn't-ask-Rogers-out. Still waiting for your confirmation, though."

     He rolls his eyes. "But honestly I think I'd rather see you happy with Kate than this new girl. Kate is just someone we know and trust. She's a friend."

   "Kate is just someone you like, but it doesn't mean I like her." Lizzie crosses her arms, stubbornly. "She clearly said she doesn't need me in her life."

   "And Giulia is a friend, too. Be nice. At least she likes good music." – "Yeah, I apparently need a girl but I can't have me a one, you know what I mean?" she pokes him on his elbow and laughs.

    She goes to grab her weapons. "Then you should try having a baby dog! You like dogs. It would be perfect for you."

"Okay, soldier, relax. I need to leave in like a minute, so shut up."

    Lizzie puts her undercover clothes back in the trunk and is now wearing her Winter Heart costume. "Wow.." Giulia blinks and can't help but stare at Lizzie. This boosts her confidence.

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