5. i did something bad

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Bucky gets to Lizzie's building. "Okay... your keys? Wanna open the door-"

He notices she left him. Where the hell she went?

"Lizzie? ...." he starts looking for her. "I swear if she's doing another robbery but in a different place, we're gonna die." he sighs to himself.

Then she comes back bringing a box of hot pizza, and asks lightly. "Who's gonna die?"

"Uh, never mind. I'm just dying to eat some of your pizza. Thanks for grabbing the dinner." he nods and she chuckles sarcastically. -"Dude, I didn't order it just for myself. I can share, relax."

"So?" he points to the door. Obviously.

Lizzie opens it with her keys and lets him in. And then sighs to herself, watching him go first. Her smile immediately goes away. "You almost got me, but you're not going to die."

And then she also gets in.

At the hall, she rips a note sticked to her apartment's door and reads it seriously. Bucky watches and starts reading from behind her shoulder. "What's that?"

It's bad.

"The hell I'm no longer residing here!" she forms a ball from this piece of paper and throws it to the trash can. She succeeds. Yeah, this girl was good at basketball in high school.

"They kicked you out?" he frowns in confusion.

She scoffs and kicks the locked door open, since her keys won't help her get in anymore. "I mean, it was a matter of time I faced consequences, but this didn't need to go this drastic way. Sooner or later he'd find out about my actions, so there's that. I need to find a new roof above my head, but money first."

Thankfully she doesn't have a lot of stuff to take, and most of it can be sold or wasn't expensive. Lizzie rushes in and starts packing her bag. Bucky follows her and watches her apartment that's about to say goodbye to her, even if he's here for the first time. "Gonna miss this place... so many good memories happened here."

Lizzie rolls her eyes, stopping in her room. "You haven't even placed a foot in this apartment before. Don't start crying, please."

"I mean, this is a lost opportunity. We could have spent vacation here, watching those cute Japanese cartoons and eating strawberry ice cream..." he stands in the door, watching the room.

"God, you're weird."

Lizzie's room is as simple as his– Bucky finds it pretty, but this also has some details that match Lizzie's interests and her love to Italian decor.

What he finds creepy, a little bit, is that her walls have Captain America's fan posters that every obsessed fangirl has in her room. His second best buddy is worshipped by Lizzie. Also there's a red-white-blue shield from her childhood. And a toy gun... and rock music records.

"So, need a hand?" he stops staring.

Lizzie quickly finishes packing just the essential stuff and hands him the pizza box, so she can carry her bag. "I wonder where will I sleep tonight. Even financial problems didn't make me homeless, but looks like that's my status now."

"Maybe Felicia will welcome me for a few nights.."

But she won't mention this isn't the first time she'll be sleeping at her ex's apartment.

"Which is smart, 'cause I'm doing her groceries and bring fun to her liveless walls." Lizzie adds, positively.

Now Bucky shares his (not very good) idea. It's spontaneous for a reason. "Y'know, actually my buddy Hawkeye has a..."

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