4. without me

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   "Hop in, losers, we're skipping arrest."

   Once they got in, Lizzie moves to the front passenger seat and corrects him, being a bit cringed out. "Who are you calling a loser?"

     "Yeah, get used to my world. You're welcome, partner." he becomes sarcastic.

    Kate's eyes go wider. "PARTNER?!"

   Bucky turns his head to her and then releases a heavy sigh. "Of all girls you could've brought here.."

    "Just for one ride." Lizzie explains immediately, just wanting to run from the police real quick. "Come on."

   "You-you're Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier!" Kate freaks out.

     He keeps driving, but admits politely. "Yeah. And you're the other purple... Hawk-ess? Clint's said you're perfect and–"

     "What a jerk. He knows I'm better than him, and won't admit. I'm Hawkeye." Kate initiates a handshake, but he can't do it as he's driving. "... Oh, right. I'll wait."

   Kate looks out the window at the cops who they've just lost. She exhales in relief. "That was close. And so tense. But hey, they didn't confiscate my arrows!"

    "Barton would be so mad if they did, I can feel it." Bucky replies, driving to the location. But Lizzie realizes which one. -"Wait, I think there's been a little misunderstanding. I'm not going anywhere without my motorcycle. Turn back."

    "Not a chance. You're not getting caught again on my watch." he keeps driving away, so she gives him that one stare. But he's used to it and learned the same one, so he's gonna live. "Your precious motorcycle's gonna have to wait. Everyone waits, so why don't you?"

   "And why they had you arrested? What'd you do this time?"

    Lizzie shoulders. "I ticked a few someones off... a li'l bit. Classic."

  Kate bends over her shoulder, becoming grateful. "Hey, but you saved me, too. That's all that matters."

   Lizzie didn't like the way it sounds. "Well, I didn't do it because I like you.. or anything." she fails to hide her smile, but turns her head away. "I was just taking care of your tricky arrows. Now give me my gun back."

    Kate clears her throat and brings it out of her quiver. And returns it to Lizzie, adding a friendly advice. "You should take better care of your stuff. You never know when it gets in the wrong hands."

     "Because it got in your hands?" Lizzie gives her attention. And smirks in her head.

   "Of course you care about it than about all the awful people. Those hating on you. But how do you explain that you just protected me at all costs, huh?" Kate says, boldly. She knows what's Lizzie's soft spot. Her. She sees right through Lizzie, that's why she said that. Maybe asking for trouble, but she really wants to know.

   "I don't explain to anyone." Lizzie winks right at her, making Kate breathless and nervous. "And one point for your fighting skills. Appreciate that."

     She said that so genuinely and soothingly. Surprising even her best friend who rolls his eyes at their conversation, so Lizzie asks him a question. "So what's the deal with Italy and those kids you mentioned?"

    "We should really talk about your issues with texting me spam when I'm busy, in case you can't afford therapy."

   "Lizzie." he opens his mouth with disbelief, for her real attention. "I'm aware. But I was in Europe! I found out some serious local stuff for your consideration."

𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭  ❥ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now