12. good life

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     Kate uncovers Lizzie's eyes once they stand in front of a new building. A month later. Then Kate gets excited over Lizzie's shocked reaction. "Soooo, how do you like your original idea really happening?"

   West Coast Avengers HQ is in front of them. Kate built it from scratch. Well, sort of.

    "I'm amazed by how you made this a reality... so is it a thing? WCA are now going to be a team of local heroes?" Lizzie asks, and Kate nods in agreement. "God, you're too kind for all of us."

    "Hey, you're not afraid of the word hero now, babe!" Kate points out, joyfully. And kisses Lizzie on the cheek. Then she turns to everyone else who came to see the HQ, their official team. And they're the leaders.

     "Hi, everyone!" Kate grins widely and waves her hand.

    America, her girlfriend Ramone, Clint, Gwenpool, Jeff the shark, and the other guys, everyone is on the team. This is a dream come true for Lizzie. She doesn't have to worry about money anymore. And she's kind of a hero now, even if she doesn't feel like one yet. But it's not wrong to be one. Kate made sure she knows that.

     "So, you doing girls now, Kate?" America teases Kate, coming closer.

    Lizzie wraps Kate around her shoulder and Kate melts from her touch, but keeps it together. "Seems pretty new, but yeah. So much yeah."

   To prove it, she grabs Lizzie's cheeks and they miss passionately. Everyone is watching in many emotions, but it's Clint's jaw that drops to the ground. "Is-is this allowed?" he points to them.

    Kate and Lizzie separate and they both glare at him. "Shut up, Clint." says Kate.

    Lizzie remembers something and what Kate meant by what she said there. "Wait. So I'm your first girl and there was only men before?"

     Much to her surprise, everyone agrees. "Yeah. She has a bad taste in them."

    Kate doesn't deny. "... That's actually true, right?"

   Lizzie frowns, slightly concerned. "Am I the only gay person on the team that's dating girls who like both and that's something that pushes me into therapy?!"

     This is also answered by everyone. "Yeah."

    She gives them all a confused look. ".... Wait, really?"

    America snorts a laughter. "I've been saying this forever."

    "Pretty much." Gwenpool also agrees. Kate cheers Lizzie up by holding her hand and massaging it with her thumb. –"If you need money for that, just ask, don't steal." Clint says sarcastically.

    Lizzie notices him for the first time today. "When did that jerk come out?"

    Kate replies peacefully. "I don't know what's his point, but he just exists and we're okay with that. Give him a chance."

    "Thanks, but I already feel ridiculous enough." Lizzie answers to his words.

    Then she reads a text from Bucky. He's back in New York. "Shit. I gotta go back to the city. Barnes misses me a lot."

    Kate nods and replies confidently. "We. We gotta go back to New York, because our home is right here. Also today is your turn to do the laundry, and you promised you won't be running away from this, my love."

    Lizzie bites her lip and scoffs frustratedly, but she's already soft on Kate. "Ugh. Fine. I just can't wait for what I got myself into, but you're the boss." Lizzie smirks and kisses her on the forehead, lovingly.

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