6. Kate's apartment

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     So, it was the first portal experience. Maybe not as extreme as traveling the Multiverse, but definitely amazing to Lizzie who got to enter an actual portal. "Woah... hey, so I liked that but if you tell this to Kate–– I'mma shoot you so hard you'll drop your bulletproofness, Chavez."


    America and Lizzie stand in the living room of Kate's apartment. And there's someone else on the couch that isn't Kate. The slightly older blonde woman is staring directly at Lizzie and stops eating her dinner. Then she glares at America, who realizes this is the beginning of thunder.

Yelena Belova. White Widow. Hates when someone, a.k.a. street level anti-heroes (Lizzie Thompson) interrupt her good time with food. Second of Kate's roommates.

"Yelena, hi!" America starts innocently to ease the tension. "You've met Thompson lately, haven't you? So we don't mean to ruin your night, just let me grab the-"

"AMERICA CHAVEZ! You are so dead! What the hell is she doing here?" Yelena points aggressively to Lizzie, and makes a typical angry mother pose.

Lizzie raises her eyebrows and tries to hold back the smirk from coming out on her face. This pose is giving her memories.

America crosses her arms in thought as she glances more kindly at Lizzie. "Yelena, I think she can be nice... if given a chance. I mean, she wasn't before, so if it's not a second or third chance, technically we can-"

Yelena refuses hostilely. "No. Are you really this dumb?"

America narrows her eyes. Uh oh. This isn't something you say to America Chavez. She can beat the person up for saying such judgment.

Lizzie is glad to watch her do that to Yelena. But nada. America doesn't mean to hurt her friend. Instead, she just rolls her eyes and continues sarcastically. "I'm asking the questions, Yelena. Have you ever even tried to understand a girl deeper than just in rivalry context? Instead of killing."

"Well, I'm not a superhero like you or Kate Bishop but at least I'm trying to do better. I would never bring a criminal to her apartment! Do not bring up Red Room in the conversation, America Chavez."

"Right. Sorry... oh, I think my girl just texted me." America brings out her phone, faking a laugh. "Gotta go! Come on, Thompson."

America pulls Lizzie to another room, and Lizzie asks. "You mean that girl–"

America groans frustratedly, getting back to herself. "Do you want me to break your teeth?"

"You will not break anything!" Yelena shouts from the living room, watching an action film.

Lizzie shrugs. "Does she always do this full-name thing?"

"Pretty much all the time. It's annoying, but this place belongs to Kate and she makes the decisions who lives here."

"This sucks. Now I don't expect any kind of hospitality from Yelena, but I'll just get some wine and leave. Can I?" Lizzie goes to the kitchen.

America follows her. "Wait, if you leave, where you're planning to stay? I heard you got evicted from your apartment. Tell me you have any idea what you're doing."

Lizzie starts thinking about going back to Felicia. But it feels wrong at the moment. It's not right to live with her ex. And it makes things awkward at brunch. "Don't stress about it. I know what I'm doing. All I want is a glass of wine, you want some? I'm going to pour myself a glass."

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