3. police car

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Lizzie rests her head on the car's window and sighs heavily. "I'm so done with this."

    She almost forgot that Kate is present here.
".. Sooo. this is just another one of the arrests in your file?" Kate jokes, trying to get her reaction.

"Kate, if you don't keep your mouth shut, I swear to you." Lizzie massages the bridge of her nose. -"I'm just impressed. How do you even–"

"Look, you shouldn't be here. Look at you, you're innocent. This isn't right environment for your good girl attitude. I'm a bad influence, so figure out a way to get outta here."

   Kate gets flustered, but so is Lizzie.
"I am not a good girl.... sometimes I do what I shouldn't, too. Like that one time, I had to ignore a stray dog on my way to work." Kate says honestly. Lizzie blinks and changes her mind. For Kate, that must have been an unforgivable thing. -"That must have been devastating... I'd never commit such act–– you have my full respect."

Kate tilts her head, reading her. "Are you being sarcastic?"

".... Yup. That's exactly what I did."

Kate scoffs, exhausted. "I can't even––you've been arrested before, what should we say for our own sake at the station?"

"Yeah, I have."

Kate raises her eyebrows. "Oh. I was just assuming... well, I was gonna say it's illegal to be that cute, but now I can say you look nice in this black bad-girl suit." Kate compliments, blushing red.

Lizzie smiles softly in response, staring at Kate's bruised face– still beautiful the way it is because it's Kate. "Aggravated assault. That's just one of my mild crimes."

"Why did you stay there if you could have just run?"

"After you dropped me off the roof? well, I guess that's simple– I don't run from responsibilities, I face my problems with bravery." Kate gains her confidence.

Lizzie raises her eyebrows. "That's what everyone should try to do to make the world a better place." Kate nods, confidently.

"When you heroes try hard to make the world a better place, we outlaws do what it takes to survive every night." Lizzie snaps, telling the truth. "And while you don't get much hate for your actions, we get it a lot for just existing near you and hanging out in whatever."

"I'm sorry––I didn't know..."

Lizzie exhales softly and looks at the archer in the side of her eyes. "By the way, I'm glad I'm just one of your problems."

Kate is about to ask why Lizzie thinks she's her problem. "What do you mean.."

"Just face me. I kinda wanna be your problem." Lizzie smirks in an attractive way, and then just...

Shows how she'd love to have Kate taste what she tastes like. At least she said she faces her problems with bravery right?

Lizzie stares into her soul, taking Kate's breath away. The bad girl closes the space between them and presses her lips against Kate's lips, connecting them in a first good kiss. Which Kate didn't expect at all. "Oh."

𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭  ❥ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now