Chapter 1: Izuku Midoriya

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One summer morning, Izuku woke up and opened his curtains to let the rising sun shine through. "Today's going to be a good day!" he hyped himself up to get ready for his day. He went on with his morning routine, starting with a light jog to the near by gym to swim his laps. He loved swimming in the morning because he always had the pool to himself. This morning was different though, this time there was someone already swimming laps in the pool. Izuku was staring dazed at the fast swimmer going back and forth. He shook his head and snapped himself out of his trance, climbing into the pool and swimming over to one of the lanes farther away. He put on his goggles and started swimming 'I wonder who that guy is? I don't think I've ever seen him here before...' he thought as he continued swimming his laps.

When he was finished with his morning swim work out he noticed the other man wasn't there. He looked at the clock on the wall and noticed the time, "Crap! I gotta hurry back home!" He exclaimed climbing out of the pool and running to the changing room. He reached for the door handle but it opened before he could grab it and he bumped into a man. "Ahh! I'm sorry! I wasn't paying atten..." He trailed off as he looked up. Green eyes met the most beautiful crimson eyes he's ever seen. The man was wearing a baseball cap and a mask so his eyes were the only thing Izuku could see. "Tch... Move extra!" the man barked. "Oh.. u-umm.. Sorry..." Izuku mumbled moving to the side so the man could get past. 'Such an attitude...' Izuku thought, staring at the man leave the pool area. 'Ahh I don't have time...' He snapped back and ran into the change room.

Izuku took his shower and headed home to get ready for work. He got his bag together and double checked to make sure he wasn't forgetting everything. 'Hmm, phone, wallet, keys, work bag... I feel like I'm forgetting something...' he thought while looking through his bag. 'Ahh... Izuku you idiot! Lunch!' He scolded himself as he ran to his fridge. He grabbed his lunch bag, threw it in his bag and headed out the door. Making his way to the beach, Izuku was waving, nodding and greeting his neighbors as he strolled past them.

He finally reached the subway, he slipped on his headphones and waited for his train to arrive. He scrolled through his phone reading texts messages from his friends and co-workers, finally making it to the news page and taking a look at the weather forecast. Before making it to the weather page he noticed an announcement on the entertainment page. 'Retired Olympic Swimmer, Katsuki Bakugou seen with model X leaving hotel!' Izuku read in his head. 'Why is this 'entertainment' news? Who really cares about whose with who?' he thought as he noticed his train arriving. He slipped his phone in his pocket and boarded his train. 

Izuku walked up the beach to the Lifeguard station to unload his belongings, check the schedule and change into his uniform. "Good morning Izuku!" he heard a bubbly voice greet him from behind. "Good Morning Ochako!" he responded flashing a bright smile. "You're here early again!" Ochako exclaimed putting his bag in her locker. "I'm always here at this time. I have to make sure everything is in order before you all get here!" he responded, chuckling as he closed his locker. "We should have a pretty good day today! Eijiro, Denki, Shoto and Momo should be arriving shortly!" Izuku announced while he looked at the work schedule posted on the wall.

"Is Mr. Yagi coming in today?" Ochako asked heading to the womens change room. "Yes, he's running the station today with Denki." Izuku started "He also said he had an announcement to make before we start today so he should be arriving any minute now!" He finished and the door opened to the lifeguard station. "Ahh speak of the god and he comes!" Ochako smiled, walking into the control room. "Young Midoriya, Young Uraraka, Good Morning you 2!" Toshinori greated the 2 as he placed his bag down. Not long after, Eijiro, Denki, Momo and Shoto came in and got ready for the morning.

"All right everyone!" Yagi started "Since its officially summer now, the beach is expected to be busy! Make sure you're watching carefully!" he continued, "As for my special announcement, we will have a new employee starting tomorrow morning! Young Midoriya, as the team leader you will be in charge of training him and making sure he gets in the swing of things!" Yagi finished. "Who is this new member?" Izuku questioned as he handed everyone their name tags and guard stand supplies. "It's a surprise! You will all be working tomorrow since it's Saturday so you will meet him then!" Yagi exclaimed, "Right, team! Work hard and be safe!" he clapped his hands, dismissing the lifeguards.

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