Chapter 5: Call Me Whatever You Want.

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Katsuki and Izuku sat together watching the beach goers play along the beach and in the water. Their relief team came to let them take their break and have lunch so the 2 climbed down from their post and headed towards the lifeguard station. "What do you usually do with this 4 hour break?" Katsuki asked as he opened the door of the command station. "Usually, I have lunch and than I either take a nap or do some work inside the station" he responded as they walked into the locker room.

"You work on your break?" Katsuki cocked a brow in confusion. "He doesn't stop!" Denki chimed in as he walked into the locker room. "That's not true! I take proper breaks!" Izuku scolded the bubbly blonde. "I can count on 1 hand of how many naps you've actually taken! 1 HAND!" Denki said raising his hand in the air to make his point. Katsuki watched as the 2 bickered back and forth before noticing Yagi come up behind him and laughing. "How was the morning, Young Bakugou?" Yagi asked placing his hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"It was fine, Deku's pretty cool... In his own nerdy way" Katsuki chuckled. "Deku?" Yagi asked confused, Izuku and Denki over heard and Izuku chimed in. "Yeah.. Why do you keep calling me Deku?" he asked walking over to Katsuki and Yagi. "The characters of your name. They can be read as Deku" Katsuki pointed to Izuku's name tag. "Doesn't Deku mean useless?" Kaminari asked, popping up behind Izuku placing his hands on the greenette's shoulder.

Katsuki shrugged his shoulders "I just read it that way, there's no meaning to it unless you create the meaning" he huffed walking out of the locker room. "Coach! What type of food places around around here?" Katsuki chanted from the command station. "Ohh! There's a great sushi restaurant a 10 minute walk from here!" Kaminari stated as he sat back in his seat and pulling out a GPS map on his phone. "I want beef, any good places?" Katsuki leaned down to look at Denki's phone screen. "Know any places, Deku" Katsuki glanced over and smirked at Izuku. "Hmm..." Izuku hummed as he pondered about where has good meat in th area. "There's a place about a 20 minute walk from here.." Izuku started, "Great! Let's go!" Katsuki jumped up, grabbing Izuku by the arm and pulling him to the door.

"Ahh! W-wait! I have a lunch here and I need to make the schedule for next week!" Izuku exclaimed as he tried to release himself from Katsuki's tight grasp. "All Might! M' takin Deku to lunch, you alright with that?" Katsuki glanced over at his coach "It's your break, Young Midoriya! Learn to enjoy the 4 hours of peace and don't worry about the schedule" Yagi smiled, shooing the boys off. "You heard 'em! Let's go Deku!" Katsuki said pushing Izuku out of the door.

"Why.. are you taking me out to lunch..?" Izuku asked as the 2 walked towards the restaurant. "We never got a chance to finish out conversation earlier.." Katsuki started, glancing over his shoulder to look at Izuku. "Of course if you don't want to talk about it, you can think of this as 'thanks' for being my mentor" he huffed, shoving his hands in his pockets and continued walking.

Izuku kept quiet the rest of the way, 'Why does he want to talk about my first love from college..?' he thought to himself before he bumped into Katsuki's back. "S-sorry.." he apologized as he held his nose. "You like to overthink don't you?" Katsuki teased as he held the door open. "What do you mean?" Izuku asked walking in and sitting at a table. "I mean... this is the 3rd time in 2 days that you've walked into me" he laughed as Izuku's face grew red with embarrassment.

 As the 2 had lunch, Katsuki told Izuku about the first time he realized he was also attracted to me. He hoped it would make Izuku feel more comfortable talking to him. "So... Was that guy you're first boyfriend?" Katsuki asked, grabbing his drink and washing down his food. "We... Didn't really date.. I liked him and we hooked up a few times but I'm not sure he felt the same as I did.." Izuku explained as he played with the hem of his sweater. "Still, he was a good friend.." he mumbled. Katsuki looked at Izuku and smirked, as he waved the waiter over to get the bill.

"Where do you wanna go now?" Katsuki asked ask he pulled his hands to the back of his head and strutted beside Izuku. "We have to get back to the beach.." Izuku said catching up to the blonde who was now walking a different direction. "We still have 3 hours!" Katsuki exclaimed, cocking his brow and turning to look at Izuku. "Let's go grab something to drink" Katsuki suggested as he glanced over and nodded his head towards a cafe. Izuku sighed, he allowed the blonde to drag him to the cafe and waited at a table on the patio.

Katsuki returned with their drinks and sat down "Why do you keep spacing out? Is talking about that guy getting to you?" he asked as he un-wrapped a straw and stuck it in Izuku's drink. "No.. It's just been a while" Izuku looked down. "What? Did you love him so much that you vowed never to fall in love again?" Katsuki asked, half teasingly. "Stop it, Kacchan" Izuku slipped and gasped when he realized what he had just called Katsuki. "Sorry! I meant to say Katsuki..." Izuku blushed. Katsuki was a little taken aback but he couldn't help but smile. "Call me whatever you want, Deku" he hid his smile as he took a sip of his drink.

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