Chapter 18: Get Ready.

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Once it was time, everyone got their stuff to head to their designated seating area "I'll meet you guys there, I just want to talk to Kacchan for a minute before he starts" Izuku informed everyone. They all nodded and left the room leaving Katsuki, Izuku and the coach behind. "Ain't you leaving too?" Katsuki glanced at his coach and Izuku chuckled "It's okay" he started as he walked over to them. "How are you feeling?" Izuku asked his lover "I'm ready! Especially now that that piece of shit tried to hit on you!" Katsuki huffed as he pulled Izuku onto his lap.

"Don't worry about him! You got this!" Izuku cheered as he gave Katsuki a peck on the lips. "Just do your absolute best! I'll be cheering you on the loudest!" he smiled and sat up. Katsuki grabbed Izuku's arm before he stood up completely and pulled him in for another kiss, this time a passionate one. "Kacchan!" Izuku blushed, "For good luck!" Katsuki smiled and waved his boyfriend off. Once he was gone Katsuki slumped back in his seat, leaning his head on the headrest he sighed. "It's almost time" his coach said walking up to him with his team jacket and towel.

Katsuki looked up at his coach finally showing his nerves. "Coach.." Katsuki started "You've got this!" the coach exclaimed, pulling Katsuki off the chair to place his jacket over him. He placed Katsuki's hand over the pocket that had the ring box in it "You have a promise to uphold, don't you?" he smiled as he handed Katsuki his towel. Katsuki pulled out the box and looked at the ring one last time "Yeah.. And I always keep my promises" he smiled and closed the box.

The group got all settled in their seats and were waiting for the competition to start. The competition went by name alphabetically so Katsuki was in the 3rd bracket. They watched as the first set of swimmers warmed up and got ready to start their race, naming Olympia's they've only ever watched on TV. "Look! There's Tamiki Amajiki!" Mina jumped in her seat pointing. "This is very exciting!" Ochako cheered as she watched the swimmers warm up. "Look! Look! There he is!" Kaminari pointed as Katsuki walked out to the pool. "He looks nervous!" Ochako exclaimed as they all cheered for him.

Izuku chuckled and looked out towards the pool. He watched as Katsuki talking with his coach when he looked over at his cheering section. They locked eyes and Katsuki smiled and winked at Izuku. Katsuki's cheer squad was going nuts in the stands but he only noticed Izuku and no one else. Izuku smiled and waved to his boyfriend as their friends cheered his name waving at him. Katsuki started his stretches and warm ups while more swimmers emerged to get ready. Everyone was still looking out to the pool and getting starstruck over their other favorite Olympians warming up in the pool.

Izuku noticed Katsuki holding his shoulder and making a sour face as he rotated 'Look at me... Kacchan, look at me' he chanted in his head as he started to worry about his lover's condition. As if he telepathically got his attention Katsuki looked up at Izuku again, as well as his coach. Izuku pointed to Katsuki's duffel back and pointed his hand down in a motion telling him the tape was in the side pocket. Katsuki looked at the bag and his coach went into the side pocket and pulled out the sports tape.

He waved it in Izuku's direction to tell him they got it and Izuku sighed in relief. He watched as his coach tried to apply the tape and realized it wasn't done right. Waving to get their attention again but to no avail, he got up and Katsuki noticed. Izuku waved for him to stay right there. "I'll be right back" Izuku said excusing himself from the viewing box "Everything alright?" Shoto asked as he got up to let Izuku out "Yeah, I just realized I should have applied his sports tape before hand" Izuku smiled and walked off to the bench where Katsuki and his coach were waiting.

The group watched as Izuku took the tape from the coach and started showing him how to apply the tape to his shoulder. Once he was finished, he spoke with Katsuki and the coach for another moment. "You know Midoriya, nothing in the rule book says you can't sit here with me during the competition" the coach said as he put the sports tape back into Katsuki's bag "Other competitors spouses usually sit with the coaches during these things" he finished with a smile.

 "Oh I couldn't, I should sit with everyone else" Izuku responded waving his hands around in the air. Katsuki chuckled and kissed the side of his head "All Might was the one who suggested it" he said and Izuku looked over to the group who were smiling and giving him a thumbs up. He looked at Shinso and Yagi in a way of asking 'are you sure' and the 2 nodded their heads.

Izuku grabbed his bag and sat with Katsuki and the coach while they waited for Katsuki's turn. They were watching the 1st bracket race and cheered on the fellow swimmers as they raced. Izuku looked over to his friends who looked like they were having a great time. He smiled and waved at them and glanced around the stadium. People were standing and cheering for the racers as they competed and he really enjoyed seeing the happy look on everyone's faces.

 Katsuki noticed the sparkle in Izuku's eyes sparkle as he watched the crowd and smiled as he took his hand. "I never thought I'd ever experience something like this" Izuku confessed as he looked over at Katsuki. "Well, you'll get to experience is all the time" Katsuki smiled and kissed Izuku's head. "YOU GOT THIS TAMIKI!" they heard from Katsuki's cheer section. They glanced over and saw Mina jumping up and down like the ultimate fan girl and Kirishima looking at her in disbelief. They laughed at his facial expression as he glanced over to them in shock as if he just lost his girlfriend.

The races continued and everyone cheered and howled at the swimmers pushing their hardest. It was almost time for Katsuki to take his place so he took off his team track suit giving it to his coach and grabbed his swim cap and goggles from Izuku. He headed to the warm up booth and listened to all their friends scream and cheer along with all of his fans. He smiled and waved to everyone as he entered the box and started to stretch. Izuku watched as everyone sent love his boyfriends way. 'They really do love him' he thought to himself with a smile pulling on his face.

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