Chapter 7: Getting Closer.

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Shinso and Izuku stood leaning over the railing and looking at the water. "Eventually, you will find someone else you'll love more than Shindo, Zu" Shinso said as he wrapped his arm around the little green. "yeah..." Izuku wrapped his arm around Shinso and gave him a side hug. "I'm headed back in, you coming?" Shinso asked as he released his friend. "In a bit, I'm just going to watch some more" Izuku smiled, waving his friend off to go back inside. As Shinso opened the door, he noticed Katsuki standing off to the side. "Bakugou, going to get some air?" Shinso smiled as he nodded his head at Katsuki. "Yeah, had too much" Katsuki nodded heading out the door.

"You alright, Deku?" he asked leaning next to Izuku on the railing. "Oh, Kacchan!" Izuku was startled out of his thoughts and looked at Katsuki. The 2 stared at each other for a moment before Izuku broke the hold. "Yeah, the moon just looks so pretty reflecting on the water." Izuku smiled slightly looking back out to the water. A gust of wind came over them and Katsuki couldn't help but stare at how beautiful Izuku was as the wind pushed his hair back and the moonlight illuminated his face. "De-Izuku.." Katsuki stuttered gaining the smaller mans attention. "Yes?" Izuku looked over and tilted his head as he responded. "Can I... Do you wanna swim with me in the morning?" Katsuki asked as his face started to grow a little red. "Huh?" Izuku's eyes widened as his bold question. "Like.. a swim date.." Katsuki turned to properly face Izuku.

The next morning, Izuku woke up feeling sluggish from all the drinking the night before. He was nervous for his morning swim with Kacchan but he got up and got ready to go. He grabbed his swimming bag and headed out the door. Walking down the outdoor hallway towards the stairs of his building and looked over to see the sun starting to rise. He frozen in place when he noticed blonde hair walking towards the parking lot. "Ka-Kacchan?!" Izuku was stunned and hurried down the stairs towards the blonde. "Deku? What are you doing here?" Katsuki asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he turned to look towards Izuku. "I live here..." Izuku trailed off, still confused "Why are you here? I thought we were meeting at the pool?"

"Hah? I live here, that's my apartment right there" Katsuki explained pointing to a door on the first floor. Izuku looked at the door and than back at Katsuki. "Huh? Wait, wait... We live in the same building?" Izuku responded in disbelief at the whole situation unfolding before him. "I live with there" Izuku pointed to a door in the far corner of the building. "Guess were also neighbors too, Kacchan" Izuku smiled at Katsuki and started chuckling. "Let's head to the pool!" Izuku said as he linked arms with Katsuki.

After they finished swimming, the 2 decided to head out for a proper breakfast. Izuku insisted on paying since Katsuki bought him lunch and coffee the day before. Izuku had Sunday's off so he was in no rush to go home but Katsuki had to get ready for work so the 2 headed home. Katsuki walked Izuku to his door and headed back downstairs to his apartment to get ready when his phone beeped. He checked his phone and saw a notification.

Deku: 'Have a good day, Kacchan 🙂'

the blonde smiled and replied back. Izuku checked his phone when it lit up

Kacchan: 'You too, nerd 😋'

Izuku headed off to do his groceries and run his errands. He had coffee plans with Mina and Kirishima at 11am so he put his groceries away and headed out to meet them at the cafe. Izuku strolled along the boardwalk when he noticed Pink and Red hair facing each other on the cafe patio. "Mina! Eijiro!" Izuku exclaimed rushing over to his friends. "Hey man!" Kirishima greeted "Izuku!" Mina jumped up and hugged her friend. Izuku loved hanging out with his friends/co-workers on his days off. He grew close with everyone over the years and came to trust them with everything. Mina and Kirishima were in a long term relationship so he was comfortable asking them questions about dating.

The 3 were having a good time and Izuku's phone beeped. He checked his phone and saw a notification from Katsuki.

Kacchan: 'Do you want to see a movie with me after my shift?'

Izuku smiled slightly gaining Mina and Kirishima's attention. "What's got you all smiley MidoBro?" Kirishima asked teasingly as he leaned in to peek at Izuku's phone. "Is it a guy?!" Mina joined in peeking at the phone. "It's... Bakugou" Izuku smiled nervously as he responded to the text.

Deku: 'Sure! 😁'

"Bakugou?" Kirishima cocked his brow and looked at Mina. "Yes, we've been hanging out lately, this morning we ran into each other as we were leaving to go swim. We live in the same building" Izuku explained. The couple were happy for their friend who was finally deciding to move on and find someone new. They gave him a pep talk as they all walked over to the lifeguard station. Mina and Kirishima were starting work and Izuku decided to pop in and say Hi to everyone and wait for Katsuki.

He sat down with Denki and Sero as they watched the monitors and chatted about how things were going when Katsuki walked in after his shift ended. "Hey" Katsuki said pulling off his hat and mask looking up at the room. he halted when he said Izuku sitting there. "Kacchan!" Izuku greeted him and smiled as Katsuki walked in "I thought we were meeting at the theater?" he asked heading to the fridge for a bottle of water. "I was in the area having coffee with Mina and Kirishima." he explained and let Katsuki get changed.

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