Chapter 14: I WON'T LOSE HIM!

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Trigger Warning: Implications of Drowning.

They finally made it to the guard station and Katsuki popped in to say 'Hi' to everyone. "Young Bakugou, are you ready for your competition?" Yagi asked as he went to the fridge to grab a drink. "That gold medal's all mine" Katsuki smirked taking the bottle of water Yagi handed to him. "Kacchan's been at the pool every day, I keep telling him to take it easy but he's so stubborn" Izuku stated as he opened the locker room door. "I see Young Midoriya is still as strong as ever with your recovery" Yagi chuckled as he sat in his chair and motioned for Katsuki to sit next to him.

He glanced over to the door and saw Izuku walk into the men's changeroom. "When will the ring be ready?" Yagi whispered, leaning towards Katsuki. "I'm meeting up with Shinso after this and picking it up before we head to the cafe" Katsuki whispered back. The locker room door opened and the 2 jolted back in their seats. "What's going on?" Izuku asked as he slipped his whistle over his head. "Nothing, Young Bakugou was just telling me about his training routine." Yagi responded drinking from his bottle.

"Well, I gotta get going, I'll come pick you up after your shift" Katsuki said as he stood up and gave Izuku a kiss. Izuku's face went bright red "Kacchan!" he exclaimed embarrassed that he was kissed in front of his boss. "What? It's not like no one knows" Katsuki teased as he winked at him. Izuku spun Katsuki around and pushed him towards the door. "Aw baby, no need to be embarrassed" Katsuki chuckled looking over his shoulder. "GO MEET SHINSO!" Izuku yelled, embarrassed.

Katsuki finally made it to the jewelers and waited for Shinso to arrive. He glanced down at his phone to see if Shinso had messaged him. "Hey" he heard in front of him. "Let's go check out this ring" Shinso smiled and Katsuki pulled off the wall he was leaning on and went to the door. "I'm here to pick up a ring for Hitoshi Shinso" Shinso said as they walked over to the counter. They chose to put everything under Shinso's name because of Katsuki's fame. "Ah yes, one moment sir." the clerk said as she walked to the back room.

Katsuki was suddenly nervous 'What if the ring wasn't done right? What if Izuku didn't like it?' he thought to himself. Shinso noticed and put his hand on Katsuki's shoulder. "He's going to love it" he told Katsuki to calm him down. The clerk came back with a little black box with a paper receipt wrapped around it. She removed the paper and opened the box, presenting it to Katsuki and Shinso. Katsuki stared at the ring, it was perfect.

Shinso looked over at Katsuki "It came out better than I expected" he said smiling at Bakugou "Thank you very much" Shinso nodded and the clerk nodded back. Katsuki took the box and handed it to Shinso. "I'll kill you if anything happens to this ring" he glanced at Shinso "It'll be locked in my safe until race day" Shinso assured Katsuki and the 2 headed to a cafe.

Izuku was sitting on his guard tower with Kirishima watching everyone enjoy the sun and water. Regular visitors would greet them as they walked by and Izuku climbed down the tower when some kids came up to show him the shells they found. "Wow guys! You really found some great ones today!" he smiled as he handed the kids back the shells "When will you come play with us, Izuku?" one of the kids asked as they grabbed onto his leg.

"Hmm.. It's almost lunch time" he started as he looked down at his watch "how about I come play during my break after lunch" he smiled as he patted the child on the head. The kids all cheered and ran to their parents when they called for lunch. Izuku waved at them and began to start climbing the tower. "The kids really love coming to see us" Kirishima said peeking over to look at Izuku. "Yeah, they're so cu-.." Izuku saw a flicker from the corner of his eye and turned his head.

He squinted his eyes to try and see more clearly "Izuku? What's up? Why'd you stop mid sentence?" Kirishima asked as he tried to gain Izuku's attention. Izuku stayed focused, he kept looking and saw another splash 'is that just someone playing in the water?' he thought to himself. *GASP* "HELP!" Izuku's eyes widened and he jumped back down from the tower ladder. "I CAN'T FIND MY SON!" a woman screamed as she scaled the beach frantically. "LOOK! SOMEONES OUT THERE!" a beach goer pointed out to the water.

Kirishima jolted off his seat and jumped from the top. The 2 grabbed their equipment and started sprinting towards the water. "OH PLEASE! EIJIRO! IZUKU! HELP HIM!" another woman yelled out. Kirishima jumped into the rescue boat and noticed Izuku wasn't behind him. He glanced around "Izuku!" he yelled as he watched Izuku swim to the boy. Kirishima started the boat and made his way out. 'I can't lose him! I WON'T lose him! I won't let another person die while I'm here!'  he yelled in his head as he started swimming faster and faster.

Kirishima wasn't far behind and he watched Izuku swim faster than he's ever seen. Kirishima knew exactly what Izuku was thinking as he watched him. Everyone that worked with Izuku, knew why he became the lifeguard he was today. Izuku kept pushing, his legs were starting to hurt from how fast he was kicking but he barely noticed. All he could think about in that moment was saving this kids life. Izuku watched as he got closer and closer to the drowning boy and when he was almost there, the kid disappeared. 

'No... No..' he panicked and glanced around "IZUKU!" the voice from behind him screamed, Izuku looked back at Kirishima "DOWN!" he yelled as he directed Izuku to dive. Izuku looked down into the water, took a deep breath and dove down. He saw the boy and reached for his arm, pulling him back up to the surface. *PUAH!* Izuku took a deep breath and held the boy closely. Kirishima was stopping the boat beside them so Izuku could pass him the boy and climb in himself. "Izu...ku..?" a little voice stuttered. "Hey buddy!" Izuku smiled at the boy to show him everything was going to be alright. 

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