Chapter 12: Anniversary and Rings

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Time Skip.

Katsuki and Izuku have been living life happily together and getting ready to celebrate their 3 year anniversary. After years of trial and error, Katsuki was cleared to go back to training and compete for his gold medal and Izuku was finally getting ready to open his own public center for public swimming, lifeguard training and a separate indoor pool area for Olympic training. The 2 finally moved in together and have been working hard towards their future as well as getting Katsuki ready to win the gold.

"Izu, baby?" Katsuki shouted walking to the bathroom. "Yes, Kacchan?" Izuku popped his head in so he could hear his boyfriend clearly. "I forgot to tell you, this weekend I'm meeting with some of the lifeguard team for lunch." Katsuki said as he grabbed the towel to hand to Izuku. "Oh, without me?" Izuku teased as he took the towel from Katsuki and wrapped himself up. "Aren't you hanging out with Ochako, Iida and Shoto this weekend?" Katsuki asked as he hugged Izuku from behind. "Haha yes, I'm just teasing you. But Kacchan..." Izuku glanced in the mirror at his lover "You're going to get all wet..." he finished.

Katsuki laughed and kissed Izuku on the head. "I'll be ready in a couple minutes." Izuku said as Katsuki left the bathroom. Izuku was almost done getting ready and Katsuki waited in the living room. "Baby! It's time to go!" he shouted as he got up to check on his lover. Izuku walked out ready to go. Katsuki stopped and stared at Izuku "You... you look amazing" he huffed, dazed at how beautiful Izuku looked in his dress pants and sunset orange dress shirt. "So do you." Izuku commented back and kissed his lover. "Let's go" he said, grabbing Katsuki by the hand and heading to the door.

The 2 had a wonderful dinner at a high end restaurant and decided to take a walk along the beach to watch the water. Once Katsuki pulled into the beach parking lot he opened the trunk and took out a bag. "What's that for?" Izuku asked as he got out of the car. "You'll see, come on" Katsuki said, taking Izuku's hand in his and walking him to a more private area of the beach. Once they got to a spot that was cradled by large boulders away from public eye, Katsuki let go of Izuku's hand and pulled a blanket out of the bag.

He laid out the blanket and motioned for Izuku to sit down. They took off their shoes and got comfy on the blanket and looked out to the water. Katsuki reached into the bag again and pulled out a bottle of wine and 2 wine glasses. Izuku smile taking the glass and Katsuki poured their drinks. "We're not suppose to drink on the beach" Izuku chuckled as he clinked their glasses together. "That's why were hidden behind these rocks" Katsuki kissed his cheek and took a sip of the wine. The 2 spent some time chatting about Katsuki's training and looking over the water from their little private area. "This is a perfect way to end the night, Kacchan. Thank you" Izuku said with a smile as he looked into his love's eyes. "Happy Anniversary, Baby" Katsuki whispered as he leaned to kiss Izuku.

It was Saturday morning and Katsuki was getting ready to head out for lunch. "What time are you leaving, baby?" he asked Izuku as he put his shoes on. Izuku looked at his watch "In about an hour, the movie starts at 1." Izuku explained as he walked over to see his boyfriend off. "I'll be home later, have fun." Katsuki said as he kissed Izuku goodbye. "You too! Tell everyone I said Hello" Izuku responded as he waved goodbye. Katsuki decided to walk to the restaurant since it was close by and ran into Kaminari on his way.

"Hey!" Kaminari waved as he walked up to the swimmer "Hey, I thought we were all meeting at the resturant?" Katsuki said as he looked at the smaller man. "Yeah everyone's waiting, I was heading over there and saw you on your way!" Kaminari smiled and the 2 headed towards the resturant together. "Hey guys! Over here!" Kirishima waved them over to their table. "No Mina today?" Kaminari asked as he sat down. "Nah, she wanted to go to the movie with the others so it's just us guys here" Kirishima smiled handing them each a menu.

"So Bakugou, you and Zu just celebrated 3 years. How's everything going?" Shinso asked as he took a sip of his drink. "Thing's are great." Katsuki started, "If I'm being honest..." Katsuki leaned into the table and the other 3 followed "I asked you guys for lunch because... well, you guys are my friends too but Shinso, you know Izuku better than anyone..." Katsuki said quietly. Everyone looked at each other "Is there something wrong? You didn't do anything to Zu, did you?" Shinso asked accusively. "No!" Katsuki sighed and put his hand on his head. "I need help... picking out a ring.." Katsuki went quiet and so did the rest of the table.

Shinso looked at Katsuki with shocked eyes. Kirishima and Kaminari smiled wildly "Of course we'll help you!" Kirishima smiled and gave a thumbs up. Shinso smiled and nodded his head "Izuku would marry you with a paper straw wrapper as a ring" he said sipping his drink again. "I know, but he deserves the world, and I plan on giving that to him" Katsuki said sipping his drink.

After lunch, the 4 headed to the shopping center to pick out a ring. "What about this one?" Kaminari pointed to a ring in the case. Shinso and Katsuki looked over to see "Isn't that too big?" Katsuki asked "It is, Izuku wouldn't wear it every day since he'd be too afraid he'll lose it." Shinso added. They went to multiple stores but Katsuki couldn't decide. Katsuki felt defeated and sat on a bench "We can keep looking Bakubro" Kirishima said patting him on the back.

"What about..." Shinso trailed off in thought with his hand over his chin. "You have an idea Tosh?" Kaminari asked walking up beside him. "When do you want to purpose?" Shinso asked looking down at Katsuki sitting on the bench. Kirishima and Kaminari looked at Katsuki waiting for his answer. "When I win my gold medal" Katsuki responded. "Than, why not have something custom made? It should be ready by August if that's when your planning to do it" Shinso suggested, Kirishima and Kaminari smiled

"That's a great idea. I know a place!" Kirishima exclaimed, jumping up from the bench. "Come on, it's only a 15 minute walk from here!" he said as he grabbed Katsuki, hoisting him off the bench. They finally made it to the custom jewelers and met with a design specialist. "I think a simple White Gold band would be nice" Kaminari suggested. "I agree, white gold would be perfect" Kirishima added. "No diamonds?" Katsuki asked his friends. Shinso looked at the design booklet and thought about the design Katsuki should go for.

"What about... hmmm" Shinso started and than went back into thought "Dude, you gotta stop doing that!" Kaminari scolded Shinso, anxious to know his thoughts. Shinso laughed "This one" he said pointing to a simple ring. It was a plain band with one semi-big diamond and multiple smaller diamonds wrapped around it. "Would it be possible to do the center an emerald and the surrounding diamonds orange?" Shinso asked the designer. "Of course" the designer responded. Katsuki looked at the sample photo and smiled "That's perfect" he said to his friends.

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