Chapter 6: Izuku and Shinso.

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Izuku and Katsuki finally finished their shift on the beach. They got ready with the rest of the team and headed to dinner together to welcome Katsuki to the team. Since Katsuki was famous, Yagi rented a private room so they could converse in peace and get to know one another without any distractions. "So Bakugou! What made you come and work with us on the beach?" Kirishima asked excitedly as he poured the Olympian a drink. "I'm in between practices and Coach said he needed help" Katsuki responded glancing at everyone around the table. Izuku was deep in thought once again but he already knew why since he spent the whole day with the blonde.

"I thought you retired?" Shoto stated taking a sip from his drink. Everyone got quiet and looked at the blonde, including Izuku. "I'm not gonna let some accident stop me from winning my gold medal.." Katsuki responded with an attitude that screamed 'mind your business' as he glanced up at Izuku again. "Ahem.. Young Bakugou has been working very hard since his accident so that he can return to the Olympics in 20XX" Yagi stated and everyone smiled. "You can do it!" Mina exclaimed raising her glass "Let's toast to Bakugou's up coming race and to winning GOLD!" she smiled as everyone raised their glasses. "CHEERS!"

Everyone was talking and having a good time drinking and getting to know Katsuki. Izuku was starting to feel light headed so he excused himself to grab some fresh air. Izuku leaned over the railing of the patio and looked out to watch the moon shine over the water, he took a deep breath. Watching the water always brought him a sense of peace while also reminding him that he needs to make sure everyone is safe from danger. "Something on your mind?" a voice questioned from behind him, startling him out of his trace. "Oh.. Haha, no not really.." Izuku smiled and turned back at the water.

"Why aren't you inside, Shinso?" Izuku asked as he glanced over at his friend. "Hmm, needed some air myself.." Shinso said leaning over the railing on the patio next to Izuku. "You thinking about 'him' again?" Shinso glanced over at his green haired friend, noticing the slight flinch as he asked. "Ahh u-umm... Kacchan asked me why I became a lifeguard and I-I told him..." Izuku stuttered as he stifled a sniff. "It's not something to hide but it's still hard talking about it sometimes" he finished looking over to Shinso with a small smile.

Shinso and Izuku met in their first year of college. They shared a dorm room and became close friends very fast. Shinso and Izuku became so close that if you saw one, the other wasn't far behind. One night in their room, Izuku decided to come out to his friend so that they wouldn't have any secrets between the 2 of them. Shinso was shocked but happy Izuku felt close enough with him to tell him his deepest secret. Izuku was relieved that their friendship never changed, in fact it actually became stronger. By the time it came to signing up for the swim team, Shinso and Izuku coincidentally ended up signing up at the same time.

They always went to classes and practiced together and got along with everyone on their swim team. Izuku eventually told Shinso about his crush on their swim team captain and Shinso decided to root for him and have his back no matter what. The duo always enjoyed their swim meets and team gatherings, except the night Izuku's first love drowned. When he was pronounced dead, Shinso held a sobbing Izuku for dear life. Shinso was just as much in shock as everyone else but knowing how Izuku felt about him and watching his close friend break down broke his heart. As the months began to pass after the death of their captian and Izuku's first love, Shinso watched his best friend decline more and more. Falling into a deep depression, Shinso felt the responsibility to take care of his small friend.

With the help of Shinso caring for him and giving him time to deal with his feelings, Izuku and Shinso only grew closer. Shinso always made sure he was eating, he would talk Izuku into taking walks with him to get out of the room. Shinso even had to help Izuku shower some times because Izuku was too weak to stand. As time went by, Izuku slowly started to get past his grief and slowly found himself again and he owed everything to Shinso's care. Shinso just wanted his friend to be okay again, he hated seeing how tore up Izuku was over the death of their captain. 

One day, Izuku finally went out on his own to grab breakfast and coffee for him and Shinso. "You sure you don't need me to come with you?" Shinso asked, a little concerned "I'll be okay. It's about time I do something myself" Izuku smiled as he grabbed his keys and waved at his friend. Shinso decided he would clean up their room while he waited on him to get back. He picked up Izuku's clothes and put them in the laundry basket. A letter fell out of Izuku's jacket he hasn't worn since the night their senpai died. 'Hmm? Whats this?' Shinso thought as he picked it up and opened the letter. He realized it was a confession letter with the heading greeting 'To: Shindo Yo Senpai.'

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