Chapter 13: Promises.

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A few months later, Katsuki was in the final stages of training. Izuku watched from the side stands as Katsuki practiced and was mesmerized at how far his boyfriend has come from when they first met. He could never hide how proud he was of Katsuki for braving through everything that happened to him in the last 4 years. "DAMNIT!" Katsuki slapped the water and startled Izuku from his thoughts.

He got up and walked over to the pool "What's wrong Kacchan? Is it your shoulder?" he asked kneeling down at the edge of the pool. "He's mad because his time is slower than he wanted" Katsuki's coach informed him as he handed Katsuki his water bottle. Katsuki got out of the pool and took off his goggles and swim cap "I made a promise to myself for winning gold and I'm not going to lose" he huffed drinking from his water bottle.

"A promise?" Izuku asked handing him a towel. Katsuki's eye twitched and he cursed himself mentally. "Yeah, I just have to win the gold, that's all" he said wiping himself off. "You will! I know you can!" Izuku smiled and brought some comfort to Katsuki. "Yeah, I definitely will" he said ruffling Izuku's hair and kissed him on the forehead. Izuku glanced down at his watch "Ahh is it that time already?" he jolted "I have to head out, Shinso's waiting for me" he said kissing Katsuki on the cheek and hurrying out of the pool area.

"I'll be home later Kacchan!" he waved opening the door "Have fun" Katsuki waved back. The doors closed and he slipped on his swim cap jumped back in the water "Let's go again" he said pulling on his goggles. "What's this promise you made to yourself?" his coach asked him "I'll win the gold and ask Izuku to marry me" he responded "Start the timer" he said and started his laps again.

Izuku finally made it to the resturant and saw Shinso sitting at a table with their drinks already. "Sorry I'm late, did you wait long?" Izuku asked as he put his bag down and pulled out a chair. "Not at all, how's Bakugou's training going?" Shinso asked as he slid Izuku's drink over to him. "Good, but he's being pretty hard on himself... something about keeping a promise to himself" Izuku said, pondering what the promise could be.

Shinso glanced at Izuku and chuckled "I'm sure it's just a promise of winning the gold medal he's been working so hard for" he said as he took a sip of his drink. "Order for Shinso!" the server called out "I'll grab it" Izuku got up and went to the counter. Shinso's phone beeped and he checked the message. It was an email saying the ring was ready to be picked up. He smiled and sent Bakugou a text.

Shinso: 'The ring is ready, when do you want to meet to pick it up?'

Izuku came back with their food and put the tray on the table. "I haven't had Katsudon from here in so long" Izuku smiled at the bowl in front of him. Shinso smiled and handed him a set of chopsticks. The 2 had their lunch and decided to do a little shopping. Izuku's phone beeped and he reached down to grab it and check the notification.

Kacchan: 'I'm home now baby 😘'
Deku: 'Okay! I'll be home soon! ❤️'

Shinso's phone then beeped and he checked the message,

Bakugou: 'This weekend. I'll tell Izuku were going for coffee'

Shinso slipped his phone back in his pocket and walked over to Izuku. "Do you want to grab some boba?" he asked as he put his arm around Izuku. "Yeah let's go." Izuku smiled and they headed to the food court. They sat there and talked about the plans for the days Katsuki would be swimming in the Olympics. Everyone would be there on the final day to cheer him on and watch him walk on the platform to accept his gold medal.

Izuku was happy all their friends would be there along with him to cheer his boyfriend on. He always has a passing thought of what life would be like if he never met Katsuki to begin with but always pushed that thought away. He was happy he met him, happy he got to fall in love with him and continue to fall in love with him more each day. He was proud that they now shared the same group of friends and thankful that their friends have been by their side and supporting them along the way.

Izuku finally got home and was welcomed by Katsuki. "You comin' in Shinso?" Katsuki asked as he took Izuku's bags from the shopping trip. "Nah, I'm meeting up with Shoto soon so I should head out" he responded and hugged Izuku. "I had fun today, let's all go out for dinner soon" Izuku said hugging back. "Well, we do have to celebrate Bakugou winning the gold medal" Shinso smiled looking over at Katsuki. "Yes, we'll do it then!" Izuku let go and Shinso left the apartment.

The weekend came and Izuku was getting ready for work. "You don't have to walk me to work, Kacchan" Izuku said as they left their apartment. "I know, I'm meeting up with Shinso for coffee this morning" he smiled, taking Izuku's hand in his. "Haha, I'm so glad you guys get along so well. You're the most important person in my life but Shinso is very important to me too" Izuku smiled and leaned his head onto Katsuki's arm. "I know, I should thank him for being by your side during the tough times... Until I came into the picture that is" Katsuki teased.

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