Chapter 19: Almost Time.

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It was finally time for the 3rd bracket to enter the pool area. '3rd bracket, approach you blocks please' the announcer spoke over the speakers. The group approached their blocks and waited for the announcement. 'In lane one, we have Katsuki Bakugou!' the announcer stated as the crowd went wild. Katsuki got up on his block and waved to everyone. "BAKUGOU! WE LOVE YOU!" "MARRY ME, BAKUGOU!" was yelled out from the stands by fans who adoreded him. "YOU GOT THIS BAKUBRO!" Kirishima and the others yelled from the booth. "THAT GOLD IS YOURS!" Shinso yelled out and Katsuki looked back, smiling at him and nodding.

The announcer continued on calling out the other swimmers and the crowd cheered for them. Katsuki slipped on his swimming cap and placed his goggles over his head. He looked over at Izuku and winked at him. Izuku smiled and waved as he leaned in when the coach tapped him on the shouler "You look worried" the coach said in Izuku's ear. "I am a little, but only about his shoulder. I know he'll win" Izuku smiled at the coach and they waited for the race to start.

The count down began and the swimmers got into place, the alarm rang and they were off. Izuku stood up and cheered as he watched Katsuki swim back to the start. He started to tear up once Katsuki finished the first race in first place, placing his hands over his mouth smiling with pure happiness. Katsuki whipped off his swim cap and waved his fist around in the air. Everyone else finished quickly and they all stood there and bowed to everyone who cheered them on. Katsuki shook everyone else's hands and commented on how hard they worked and made his way back to his coach and Izuku.

Their friends cheered at him as he walked past them and he raised both hands and smiled at them. Shinso smiled and held up his fist to his chest at Katsuki as a signal to say 'Now win that gold' Katsuki nodded his head and entered his waiting section. Izuku was so happy he jumped into Katsuki's arms and hugged him tight "Great job Kacchan!" he smiled brightly with tears still in his eyes. "Now we just have to wait for the finals" his coach said as he handed Katsuki his towel. Katsuki dried off and put his track suit back on, looking at the group he nodded his head towards the door and the group gathered their things to head back to his private waiting room.

 Everyone crowded in and congratulated Katsuki on making it to the finals. Izuku, Momo and Iida all went to grab everyone a drink from the cafeteria while the rest chatted in the room. "You ready?" Kirishima asked, swinging his arm over Katsuki's shoulder "Of course, that gold is mine" Katsuki smirked "No man! To purpose!" Kaminari chimed in as he huddled in with them. "We know you'll win, but even if you don't you'll still pop the question right?" Ochako asked as she sat on the couch next to Mina. "Of course he is, I'll kill him if he doesn't" Shinso added and smiled at Katsuki.

Everyone was excited to finally see their friends get engaged but had to stop before Izuku got back. Izuku, Momo and Iida got back with the drinks and some snacks for everyone to eat while they waited for the next race. "The smoothies here are really good" Mina smiled as she sipped her straw. Everyone chatted and relaxed while Izuku was helping Katsuki remove the old sports take and massage his shoulder. Katsuki winced a little bit when Izuku lightly pressed over the scar "Does it hurt?" Izuku asked him concerned he may have strained the area.

"A little but that won't stop me" Katsuki responded as he grabbed Izuku's hand. "Nothing is going to stop me, not even the tiniest bit of pain" he smiled and squeezed his hand. "I know, I'll apply some new tape before we head back out" Izuku suggested kissing Katsuki on the forehead. Everyone watched the couple care for each other, "You guys are just too cute" Mina smiled as she tapped Kirishima on the arm "Ow! What was that for?" he said holding the spot she hit. "No reason!" she smiled and everyone laughed.

A couple hours past and it was almost time for Katsuki to head back out to wait for the finals. Everyone made their way back out to watch some more of the races, while Shinso and Yagi stayed behind until it was time. Izuku and the coach went back out to the bench to get everything out for when Katsuki was ready to race again. "You've got this, Young Bakugou" Yagi said as he placed his hands on Katsuki's shoulders and stared into his eyes.

"Are you nervous?" Shinso asked as he leaned against a wall. "Not about the gold" Katsuki smirked slightly "No matter what happens today, he'll say yes." Shinso comforted Katsuki and got up to grab his bag. "We'll see you out there" Yagi told Katsuki as he tapped him on the shoulder. They left the room and Katsuki grabbed onto the ring box tightly. 'No matter what, huh?' he looked at the box and smiled. "I'll win this for him" he mumbled to himself as he slipped the box back in his pocket and placed his towel over his head. He made his way down the hall towards the pool when he noticed Monoma standing there with a smug look on his face.

 "What are you lookin' at, Copy Cat?" Katsuki scowled walking past Monoma. "Oh Bakugou, is that any way to talk to your old team mate?" Monoma taunted Katsuki following behind him. "I still can't understand how a man like Midoriya could go for a loser like you" he continued to taunt. Katsuki gritted his teeth and spun around grabbing Monoma by the collar "Keep his fucking name out of your mouth" he hissed and let go to walk away.

"Tsk tsk, that temper of yours" Monoma adjusted his jacket. "Once I win gold again, I'm taking that boyfriend of yours. Just like I did last time" Monoma stated and Katsuki clenched his fists and jaw and continued walking to the pool. Before opening the door he glanced back "In your fucking dreams asshat" and with that he went out to the pool.

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