Chapter 16: Arrangements.

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A few weeks later, Izuku was watching Katsuki's final practice meet with his coach. The Olympics had already started and they had 2 days left until it was time for Katsuki to compete. Izuku noticed the time and made his way to the pool "Good work!" he smiled as he grabbed Katsuki's towel. "Good job Bakugou, I'd say you're definitely ready" his coach said as he walked over with Izuku. "For the next 2 days I want you to relax your body, don't over work yourself before the big race" his coach told Katsuki as he wiped himself down with the towel.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't lift a finger!" Izuku exclaimed as he grabbed Katsuki's swim bag. "He truly means that too" Katsuki chuckled as they started walking to the change room. Izuku stepped outside to wait while Katsuki finished getting ready. They had some errands to run before the big race in 2 days. They hit up the grocery store and stopped at the pharmacy to get some water proof sports tape for Katsuki's shoulder.

Izuku was trying to figure out the best one to buy when Katsuki walked up behind him "Are we out of these?" he asked and shoved a box of condom's in Izuku's face. Izuku couldn't help but blush a deep red "Kacchan!" he jolted and smacked Katsuki on the arm. Katsuki laughed at Izuku's reaction and put them in the basket anyway. Izuku looked down at the box in the basket and glanced over at his boyfriend "May as well" Katsuki shrugged and they headed to the register.

After running errands and before going home, they stopped by a diner and had some dinner. They went through their list of items to make sure they didn't forget anything before they headed home.

"Sports tape?"


"Energy drinks?"


"Protein bars?"


"Can you think of anything else, Kacchan?" Izuku asked as he took a bite of his food. Katuski shook his head as he chewed his food and reached over to grab his drink. "I think thats everything, but we can double check when we get home" he said sipping his beer. Once they got home, Katsuki started putting away the groceries and Izuku went through the things Katsuki would need in his gym bag. To make sure they weren't missing anything he checked the list as he put the items in the bag.

Katsuki walked over and watched how focused Izuku was. "Do you need your pain medicine, Kacchan?" Izuku asked as he looked over to Katsuki "Nah, I won't be able to take it at the pool anyway" he said walking over to hug Izuku. "Still.. I know you had to stop taking them a few months ago because of the guidelines but I think we should pack them just in case" Izuku pondered as he glanced over the list one last time.

Katsuki chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Izuku's shoulders 'How can he be this adorable?' he thought to himself before speaking "If it makes you feel better, we can keep them in the car for after everything's over" he told Izuku as he kissed his cheek and sat down on the couch. "Are you done yet? I would like to cuddle my boyfriend and watch a movie" Katsuki teased as he pulled Izuku's arm and sat him on his lap.

"What time do you start work tomorrow?" Katsuki asked as he played with Izuku's hair. "Hmm, I start at 8" Izuku responded, snuggling closer to Katsuki. "The holiday team will be working on compitition day so we'll all be there to cheer you on" Izuku sat up and smiled lovingly at Katsuki. Katsuki smiled back and kissed Izuku. They forgot about the movie and went to the bedroom.

 The next morning, Izuku got ready for work and wrote a note for his boyfriend and left it on top of his phone. He kissed Katsuki on the cheek "See you later" he whispered as he shut the bedroom door and headed to work. Once he finally made it to the command station he greeted everyone happily "Good morning!" he smiled and everyone greeted him back. Yagi was going over the schedule with the manager of the other team who would be watching the beach while the others and Yagi went to cheer Katsuki on.

"Good Morning, Manager Shoji!" Izuku smiled at the other manager "Good Morning, Manager Izuku" Shoji smiled back. "Are you ready to watch Bakugou race tomrrow?" he asked and Izuku nodded "Yes! He's been working very hard so I have to make sure I show my support" he finished as he waved and went to change for his shift. Izuku was working with Shinso and they watched everyone play and hang out on the beach. "What time are we all meeting tomorrow?" Shinso asked Izuku as he waved to some kids who ran by.

"Hmm.. Kacchan and I will be at the pool around 9 so he can do his check and weigh in. The race starts at 1 so I'll meet you guys in the food court at around 11?" Izuku mumbled as he went through the schedule in his head. Shinso chuckled and ruffled Izuku's hair. "I'll be at your house for 8 than, I want to come early so you're not waiting around by yourself" Shinso smiled and Izuku nodded and smiled back.

The next day, Izuku was making breakfast and brewing fresh coffee. Katsuki had made his way to the island and watched as Izuku stood there in a t-shirt making food as he hummed to himself. "Why does this scene look so familiar?" Katsuki chuckled as he teased his lover. "Oh, Good morning!" Izuku smiled as he reached up to grab their mugs. Katsuki sat on the stool and watched how his t-shirt lifted, exposing Izuku's thighs and bit at his lip. "Here you go" Izuku slid the mug over and placed a plate of food in front of Katsuki. "You ready to watch me win tomorrow baby?" Katsuki asked as he took a bite of food.

"Of course! I've never been to an Olympic pool before!" Izuku smiled as he drank his coffee. "Once we get your public swim center open, you'll see athletes swimming every day" Katsuki winked as he sipped his own coffee. "Haha I guess that's true. The teams excited to come watch too!" Izuku responded "Shinso's coming first thing in the morning to come with us for your check in" he finished and took the dishes to the sink. "I'll do the dishes, you go relax" Katsuki said slipping on the gloves and turning on the tap. The couple spent the day at home relaxing any getting ready for the big day and went to bed early.

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