𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 |21|

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Stop! I have an announcement before you proceed reading. I have started writing two new book. They are also romance books but these two fall in different categories.

The first is: when it goes dark, it's a mystery romance book about a young detective takes on the case of a missing girl from ten years ago, the love interest? The chief of the police. Yeah, it's going to be spicy! Go add it to your reads right now.

The second: wicked games, it's a romance book about a debt collector who kills married men and leaves them into hotels after draining there pockets empty. The love interest? A CEO from a hacking company asked to help catch the killer. Yeah, it's going to be spicy! Go add it to your reads right now.

Wicked Games is a collab book with the amazing writer ilxvelexi

You guys already know about Tainted Lies and Play boy. But if not. ADD IT TO YOUR READS.

You may proceed now.

                       ( Later that day. )

"It doesn't hurt, the gel might be a bit cold but other than that the procedure is painless to both you and the baby."

I felt my body relax against the examination bed from the comfort her words brought and tilted my head in the direction of the computer.

I remembered reading about the effects of radiation and how serious the consequences were—including cancer.

But, if the doctor herself was telling me this procedure was safe for both me and the baby, then I needed to trust her.

The doctor walked over to the chair in front of the computer by the edge of the bed and sat down.

She typed in the user and password while asking me questions and trying to understand and address my concerns. After a series of questions, and concerns addressed the screen finally loaded and she opened up a tab with a blank screen.

Zade remained quiet the entire time. He watched the doctor speak and address the same concerns he had.

He moved his chair closer with the bottom metal bars scraping and dragging against the floor.

"Soon." He leaned forwards and wrapped his hand around mine, intertwining our fingers together. "Soon we're going to see our blueberry."

I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I love that." I whispered back, not caring that the doctor was only a few inches away and could be listening in on our conversation.

This was a special moment for us. "I dont think ive ever told you, but I love it everytime you say that. Referring to our baby as a blueberry. It's sweet, You're sweet."

He didn't respond, just pressed a kiss against my temple.

"Arlight?" A few more clicks. "Ready to see your baby?" She wheeled her chair in our direction with a thick, rectangle shaped tube in her hands.

Without waiting for our response. She takes in our eager expressions and unscrews the cap and squeezes out a decent amount of clear, thick gel.

It oozes out the tube slowly and she places it on my lower stomach. I jump slightly from the coldest of the gel brushing against my bare stomach.

"Sorry." I said, remembering her telling me earlier the gel might be a bit cold, it just caught me off guard. I didn't expect it to be that cold from sitting in a briefly warm room.

"It's alright." She turns her head towards me and gives me a brief smile and reaches for this wand shaped instrument, attached to the pole of the machine.


I nod.

She presses the wand shaped instrument over the gel and begins to spread it with her eyes locked on the computer screen.

The screen was filled with fuzzy black and white lines. In the middle, there was a solid medium sized black circle. Inside the black circle was the smallest, shaded dot resting on one of the edges of the circle.

I felt my eyes water a tad. Somehow, I had known that was our blueberry. It was so small, sticking on the edge of the circle.

When the doctor pressed against my stomach again I knew right away, call it mothers instinct or whatever. But that small, shaded dot was our blueberry.

A deep wave of happiness washed over me with tears brimming in the corner of my eyes, staring at the small, black dot. It was a baby, our baby.

"Zade." I lifted my head off his shoulder and turned towards him with watered eyes. "It's blueberry—" My voice died down, Zade's eye's were locked on the screen, on the same dot, resting against the edge of the circle.

He turned towards me and my heart jumped in my chest. His eyes were bright red and tears were running down his cheeks. "It's blueberry."

"You're both right." The doctor says, circling her pen around the dot. "That's your baby." Her eyes move from Zade, taking in his teary eyes and then me, snot dripping down my face before she stands.

"I'm going to give you both a few moments." She hands me a few tissues and walks out the room.

I nodded and sat up to wrap my arms around him. "I'm so happy Zade." I sniffled with my face buried in his chest and my words coming out muffled.

"You gave me the greatest gift. A gift no one else could give me because no one else could ever be you."

I confessed, feeling the emotions rise up from within me after seeing our baby on the screen. "You gave me another part of you to love."

He freezes and pulls my face out of his chest with teary eyes searching mine. "Do you mean that?"

I place my head against his face, rubbing the light stubble forming and smile.

"Yes. I love you so so much." I wipe the tears out of the corner of his eyes. "You should have known that already, you make it impossible for someone not to love you."

Follow me on ig @_itskrisbitch
Check out my other stories, tainted lies and play boy. There both revenge romances.

I have other books also, his sin my addiction is a forbidden romance and when it goes dark is a mystery/crime romance!

See you soon! Very soon! The next few chapters will be up soon! We are slowly reaching the end of this book ;(

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